Page 104 of Staying Selfless

“I’ll take care of you, but let’s get out of here. This water is getting cold.”

She stands from my lap, exposing my hard-on as she cautiously steps out of the bathtub, trying to avoid the puddles of water on the ground. Using my arms, I clutch the sides of the tub as I lift myself up and out, being sure not to put all my weight on my injured ankle.

Logan grabs a towel out of the closet for herself, wrapping it around her bust, before handing one to me. She takes a couple more and drops them to the ground, soaking up the mess I made.

“I can do that, Logan.” I try to hobble over and help her.

“I got it.” She uses her foot to swirl the towels around and soak up the excess water.

Before she has the chance to tell me to sit down again, I bend down to kiss her collarbone as I limp my way to sit on our bed, my towel wrapped around my waist. I fiddle with my phone, making sure the volume is turned up so I can hear when Marc calls me for a ride back from the slopes. Judging by the weather outside, I don’t think they’ll be out there long.

“Are those for me?” Logan asks.

My head snaps up from my phone to find her staring at the flowers on the dresser.

“No. Those are for my other girlfriend,” I playfully add as I toss my phone to the side.

“She sounds like a bitch.” Logan walks her bare feet over to the dresser, pulling the card off the bouquet.

“For my forever Valentine. I love you, Logan Jo,” she reads my words aloud.

Her green eyes go soft as she silently rereads my words for a second time.

“No one has ever bought me flowers before,” she gently says from across the room.

That kind of hurts my heart, only because this girl deserves to be showered with love and attention, but my egotistical side loves that I’m another first for her.

“Well, I’ve never given anyone flowers before. Except to Mary a couple of times. But honestly, I wasn’t sure if you were even into flowers or not. Might be too romantic for my practical girl.”

“I’m into these.” She bends down to smell the bouquet. “I love all the dark red, and orange is one of my favorite colors. The orange reminds me of these flowers we had in our front yard back in California.”

Logan looks at me as I try to hide my knowing grin.

“Which you knew,” she laughs. “These are so pretty, baby. Thank you so much.

“You know.” She walks back to me, where I sit on the edge of our bed. “I don’t know if I say this enough, Eli, but you love me so well.” She stands between my legs, my hands finding her waist as hers cup my face. “I hope I make you feel at least half as loved as you make me feel.”

Her striking greens pour into me as her words fill me with warmth. Since the day I fell for Logan, all I’ve wanted was for her to feel loved and cherished. And since the moment I read the letter from her mom, I’ve tried to fulfill all of Josie’s requests by giving Logan the life she deserves.

“You make me feel incredible,” I tell her with honesty as I pull her waist towards me, ushering her to straddle my lap. “Not to get all sappy as fuck, but I didn’t know it was possible to feel this way.”

Logan’s satisfied smile creeps across her lips. “You’re cute.”

“And you’re beautiful. And not just the way you look, I mean this too.” I tap on her chest over her heart.

“My tits?” Logan asks with a laugh.

“Well, yeah, those too.”

Logan snakes her arms tightly around my neck, her fingers threading through my shaggy hair. “You’re beautiful too, Eli.”

Her warm lips move with mine in perfect harmony. I fucking love kissing this girl. I mean, I love doing everything with this girl, but it’s like her mouth was made for mine.

My body temperature heats up real quick with her straddling my lap, only wearing a towel. I cup her ass as I pull her into me as close as possible before pulling her bottom lip between my teeth, tugging on it, and drawing a heavenly moan from Logan’s throat.

My lips leave hers, taking charge and working their way down her neck, to her chest, leaving marks only where I know they’ll be hidden. She will literally kill me if I cover her in hickeys the day before Gabe’s wedding.

Logan’s body moves in rhythm on my lap, needing more and causing me to be hard as hell from the friction.