Page 103 of Staying Selfless

“So, how do I look in a white dress in this head of yours?”

“Fucking flawless,” I tell her with a kiss to her pink lips.

“And which suit do you wear in this romantic image?” She lays her head on my shoulder.

“I’ve never thought about me. I’ve only ever thought about you, but I’ll wear whatever you want me to wear. I’ll show up fucking naked if you want me to.”

“No,” she giggles. “This is only for me.” Logan gently runs her hand down my abs.

Damn straight it’s only for her. It’s been only for her since the night we met when she spilled my entire drink down the front of my shirt, soaking exactly where her hand is grazing now.

“So, what do you say, Logan Jo? You gonna let me spend forever with you, or what?”

“You know, I think I just might, Eli James.”

We need to talk about one major thing, but I don’t want to ruin our moment with the topic of future kids, so I don’t.

“At this point, I think it’s implied,” I begin as Logan swirls the bubbles around us. “But with you, I’ve learned I can’t just assume things. So, you know that I need you to come with me after you graduate, right?”

Logan lifts her head to look at me.

“I’m sure there’s a better way I can say this where I don’t sound like the most selfish asshole on the planet, but I don’t really give a fuck. When it comes to spending my life with you, I’ll be selfish as hell and take all the time I can get. If I get picked up from a team, I can’t do more than a year away from you. I need you to move and be with me after you finish school.”

“I know, Eli. I’ll go wherever you are,” she reassures, pushing my shaggy hair out of the way, and causing me to relax as she always does. “Unless it’s Winnipeg. Minneapolis is already cold as hell. I don’t know if I can move further north.”

My head drops in laughter, and I can’t quite tell if my California girl is joking or not. “I’ll try to avoid Winnipeg. But at this point, I don’t know if anyone is going to want me.” I nod towards my bruised ankle.

“Don’t say that,” Logan interjects, turning to face me, her naked body straddling mine in the lukewarm water. “You’re going to get picked up. Any team would be lucky to have you. And not just because you’re incredibly talented, but because you’re such a good man, and you’re exactly the kind of person anyone would want to represent their team.”

My large hands find the curve of her hips as I pull her closer to me, my dick waking up real quick thanks to the wet friction. “Where do you see us in five years? Have you thought about it?”

“Yes, I have.” She wraps her arms around my neck. “Maybe not as much as your sweet romantic self, but I think about it.”

“And where do you see us?”

“Well.” She tilts her head. “I see you signing a huge contract with a team and city you love playing for,” she says, of course mentioning my success before any of her own. “I would like to buy a house and have a dog or two. I’ll have my master’s degree and hopefully be working for an investment firm, ideally your dad’s. I’m sure we’ve convinced Marc to move to wherever we’re living at that point.” She smiles. “But most importantly, I see us being happy.”

A lazy grin tugs at the side of my lips. “That sounds perfect.”

Even though her vision of our future is absent of a few little humans, the truth is any future with her in it is perfect for me.

“Speaking of degrees...”

“Nice try,” I laugh. “That wasn’t a smooth transition at all, babe.”

Logan’s sweet giggle echoes off the bathroom walls. “But seriously, Eli. You’re so close to getting your degree. Even if you get called up, don’t you want to finish?”

I casually shrug my shoulders. “I’ve never really thought too much about it. I guess I just always assumed I would’ve been in the league long before now.”

“I’m just saying, you got a free education. It’d be a shame not to finish. I’m sure your professors would work with you when you leave.”

I can’t help but press my needy lips to hers because I know she just wants the best for me.

“I’m taking that as a yes,” she says with assumption, her smiling lips grazing against mine.

Logan rolls her hips as she cups my face, her mouth exploring mine. My hands engulf her back, stroking the length of it. Once again, Logan grinds her body down, and an audible gasp leaves my lips from the sensation.

“If you do that thing with your hips again, I’m gonna need you to finish what you’re starting,” I whisper into her mouth.