Page 79 of I Love My Mistake

Chapter Thirty-Four

Late That Afternoon

Struggling to catch my breath, I roll off him and stare at the ceiling of his hotel room. “Three times!”

He laughs through gasps, reaches over and gropes for my hand. “I wish I didn’t have to leave.”

I blink a few times, feeling like my little girl downstairs needs a break anyway. Wowza.

“Well, if it weren’t for them, you wouldn’t be here. So let’s not mess with karma. Go.”

“True,” he breathes, closing his eyes.

“You want me to set the alarm for you?”

He blinks, struggling against sleep. “No. I have to get up!” He groans, throws his feet off the bed and gets up. Heading for the bathroom, he looks back and asks, “You want to shower with me? I only have a minute, but we can rinse off.”

I turn on my side, facing him with my hand on my hip. “Hell yes!”

He gives me a sexy smirk and takes a picture of me with an invisible camera. “You’re gorgeous.” He shakes his head and exits into the bathroom. I stare after him, feeling warm all over, happier than a woman on her wedding day.

I hear the water running, and slide off the bed. As I pass by a mirror, I see my hair all mussed up, my dark skin shining with a sex-glow and my face flushed from fulfillment. I have to stop and look because the reflection is projecting an image I’m unfamiliar with. I look like a better version of me.

“Coming, Nicole?” he calls.

“Yeah! Coming.” I touch my face and lean in to look at my eyes. They’re filled with light. Glowing. Wow. Pulling myself away from the miracle shift, I walk in and find him already in. The clear shower door showcases his wet, shimmering naked skin, the lines of his muscles providing perfect waterfalls for the steaming stream. His eyes are closed as he faces the water, his face in it. His hands run through his hair, his ass flexing as his legs move to twist his body, making sure the water hits every surface. It’s a striking memory I will never forget.

I climb in with him after pulling my hair up in a tight bun again. We bathe quickly, sharing kisses. His eyes dance wickedly when I wash and flinch from the soreness. “Pretty proud of yourself aren’t you?” I laugh.

He rubs shampoo into his hair, then into his armpits, and grins. “Yeah.”

I stand up straight, remembering something! How could I have forgotten?

Mark’s face falls. “What?”

“I forgot I’m supposed to see my girlfriends tonight. We’re going out for drinks.”

He sticks his head under the stream to wash the suds out of his hair, squinting at me though the splashing water. I lay my hands on his stretching stomach.

“Don’t cancel again. I’ll meet you there after the dinner.”

“Really? You want to?”

He smiles, and leans forward. He slides his arms around me. “I’m brave. I can meet the girlfriends.”

I give him a sideways smile, teasing him. “It’s a big step, Mark.”

He shrugs, gives his head a little shake. “How bad can it be? I already met Amber.”

“True.” I watch him bend and turn off the water. He reaches for a towel and hands it to me, taking a second one for himself. I grin at the idea. I have another chance to show him off! Not that he’s a prize or anything. Just that… oh, I know what I mean. “Okay. Sounds good.” I let out a squeal. “Oooooo I’m so excited!”

He smacks me on the ass as he steps out to get dressed.