Chapter Thirty-Five
Twelve Minutes Later
Mark and I kiss goodbye as he gets into yet another cab to leave me for the second time today. The mood is night-and-day-different this time, knowing we’ll see each other in only a few hours.
He leans to the window from the backseat. I’m bent down to eye level. “I’ll text you when I’m on my way.”
I nod and blow him a kiss. “See you soon!”
I watch the cab leave, thinking how lucky I am that I have another night with him. And soon he’ll be back to see my show. That’s only a month from now. That’ll fly by in no time. With a bounce in my step, I walk to the subway, pulling out my phone to text Jessica: Where are we going tonight?
Jessica: Angel’s Share.
Me: Perfect. I love that place. What time?
Jessica: Early. ;)
Me: So… 8:30, 9?
Jessica: 8:30. Yessssssssss.
Me: Done!
I stop at the subway entrance to text Mark.
Me: Angel’s Share bar. East Village. We’ll be there at 8:30.
Mark: I’ll be there.
Me: Have a great meeting!
Mark: I miss you already.
Me: Of course you do.
Mark: ;)
I dance down the steps to the C train to catch it to 4th Street, losing cell signal as I enter the depths. It’s Sunday, so there aren’t as many suits down here. The mish-mosh of people is as eclectic as a circle is round. Three boys dressed like wanna-be gangsters stand next to a modestly dressed traditional Jewish family, the woman’s hair covered, her face makeup-free. Beside them are: a single red-haired woman with shopping bags, a young artist-type guy rocking out to headphones, two teenage girls giggling over pictures on their phone, and a stoic man who won’t meet anyone’s eyes – ever. A train loudly approaches us in no time, its headlamp illuminating the darkness, brighter by the second. I close my eyes and hold my breath as the wind whips around all of us New Yorkers. Inside I’m thinking, I love this crazy city. Miracles happen here.