Page 64 of I Love My Mistake

He deflects my gratitude. “Seriously, though. All kidding aside. In this day and age if you’re over twenty-five and not married, you’ve dated crazy. But I have to say, the way you told him off?” He shakes his head and makes a phew noise again. “And here I thought I needed to protect you.”

He takes my hand and I’m quiet for a bit as we walk in the opposite direction from Grant. I’m remembering what Jessica said about making room for the man to be the man. I’ve been alone for so long, I haven’t needed anyone to back me up. What if I’d let Mark handle Grant – what if I hadn't jumped to my own defense?


He looks down at me. “Yeah?”

I pause for second, struggling to be this open, to say what I really want. I breathe in the strength. “I love that you protected me. I do need that.”

His eyebrows rise up, pleased. “Yeah?”

I nod. “When you stood between us, you were amazing.”

His arm goes happily around me.

“So what were we talking about,” Mark asks, his mood light.

I snuggle close against him, my arm around him, too. “I can’t remember. Oh, we were talking about your meeting. They loved it. So, does that mean it’s now a ‘go’?”

He’s silent. I crane to look at him. He throws me a nervous look. “Let’s go get a hot dog!”

I stare, baffled. “A hot dog?”

“Yeah! I’ve always wanted to try one – you know, from those stands. Come on!” He quickly turns to lead me in the direction of 59th Street. I hop-walk to match his time as he walks faster. Mark points to where we can see the speck of a hotdog cart in the distance. “That one! We’ll get one from that guy.”

“Your face is making me nervous.”

“What face? I just want a hot dog.”

I point my free hand at him. “And now that face! The one that says you’re innocent when you’re not innocent! My best friend does that!”

“Amber?” he asks, not looking back, legs moving fast.

I shake my head, breaking into a trot. “No. My other best friend. Slow down!”

“You have a best friend named Slow Down?”

I laugh and pick up to a jog. He lets go of my hand, breaks into a full-on run, and the chase is on! I run after him, laughing, as he dodges me several hilarious times. He makes me chase him all the way to the hot dog stand. I’m out of shape so he loses me long before we get there. I finally catch up, panting my heart out. He’s out of breath, too; his grin is like a little kid’s.

I grab my thighs, bent over, chest heaving. I look up at him and scowl. “Stop checking your imaginary watch!”

He feigns surprise. “You can’t see my watch? I see it.”

I shake my head, standing up straight, holding onto my ribs for consolation. “Oh, right. Sorry. It’s very expensive. My apologies.”

“Cost my mom nine months to make it! What do you want on your hot dog?” He smiles, filled with mock pride and nods in the direction of the forty-something Lithuanian vendor who’s watching us, not amused.

I hold my hand onto my chest. “I really need to start going to a gym or something. Umm… mustard.”

He stops, throws me a sideways glance. “Onions?”

“Only if you are.”

“Great. We’ll both have onions then. Did you get that?”

The vendor stares at him and starts to work.

Mark and I share a look. He shrugs, walks over and pulls me close. He kisses me once and leans back to look into my eyes, his arms wound comfortably around me. “Nicole.” The warmth in his eyes turns intimate again, as if we’re alone. “This is the best time I’ve had in years.”