We were given one room number. Mr. Gibbons wasn’t sure which couple took which room. They’d arrived together, everyone talking over each other and he could barely make heads nor tails of what they were saying.
Jerald is holding my hand as we use the stairs. “Nervous?”
He stops and faces me, calming my heart by opening it with, “It’s you and me now.”
A deep breath later and I’m watching Jerald knock. The door swings open and Mrs. Cocker hurries us inside, “Come! Come! Well now, you two have given us quite a scare, haven’t you! You should be ashamed of yourselves!”
Mother turns from the window, her frown deep as blue eyes drop to our clasped hands. “May, how could you?”
The door shuts, and both walk forward, talking to each other, Mother first. “Did you see them?”
“No, just the kids.”
“Fred wasn’t in the hallway?”
“Raymond must have him under lock and key. It was a wise decision to bring the whiskey!”
“Fred doesn’t normally drink it.”
“All the better! Let’s hope it knocks him right out!”
Jerald asks, “What gives?”
His mother says, “Your father and Fred are in another room down the hall where the two of them will remain until morning. That’s the plan we’ve all agreed on after much debate! Dot and I are staying here with May. And you will stay in yours, alone.”
I argue, “But we’ve already…”
“Hush! Tomorrow you will be married, and until then there is nothing more to say! Jerald, be gone with you. I can’t bear to look at your face.”
“Ma, I…” He turns to me, unused to her being so angry at him. “I’ll bring your suitcase up.”
“Will you have something to eat?”
“I’ll find dinner someplace.”
“Perhaps Walter will know.”
“Good idea. I’ll ask.” He heads for the door, glancing back at our mothers. “I love her, just so you know. I love her with all of me.”
He disappears, leaving three women staring at the closed door.
Our mothers rush to pull me far away from it over to the farthest window, mine speaking first. “How could you do this!”
“Did you think we’d not want to be here?”
I stare, confused by the second question. “Mrs. Cocker, I don’t understand your meaning.”
She blinks and waves her hand. “Not here for that! For the wedding! Dottie and I would have been so angry had we missed it!”
“I should say so,” Mother mutters.