“You knew we came here to get married?”

They stare at me, both exploding at once, “Of course!”

Mrs. Cocker explains, “That’s why we devised this plan.”

“Frances telephoned and pretended to be beside herself with worry that Jerald was ruining your reputation. I pretended to be distraught.”

“And I miraculously thought of the solution of marriage! Raymond latched onto the idea immediately, never knowing it was what you two had schemed all along!”

“I covered the mouthpiece and told your father marriage was the only way.”

“Raymond all but ran to his office to call his judge friend for help in the matter.”

“Your father had a fit. But agreed.”

“We hung up and here we are!”

My mind is boggled trying to keep up. “Forgive me, but…you knew we’d come here to get married and you helped on purpose so you could be here with us?”

Mrs. Cocker smiles with mischief. “Oh child, not only that! We knew when you left!”

I blink, mouth falling open. “You knew we snuck out?”

Elated to finally bask in her triumph, Mother asks, “Do you think I didn’t see that toothbrush?!”

Mrs. Cocker asks, “After the stunt Hank pulled, you think I didn’t learn what kind of men my boys have grown up to be? And I should have known because their father is the same! When a Cocker wants something, they’ll do anything to get it. And they won’t wait!” She clucks her tongue. “Jerald thought I’d gone to read in bed — and I won’t deny I told him those were my intentions — when in fact I was hiding in wait for him to sneak out. It was all I could do not to call Dot and tell her he was on his way!”

“I too was on watch. I heard you scurrying about thinking you were being quiet.”

“You weren’t awoken by a nightmare?”



She laughs and takes hold of my face, “May, haven’t you learned yet how much I love you? How much I want what’s best? All those months while you awaited his letters, I waited with you and felt such relief to know that Jerald shared your love.” Taking my hands she squeezes them, tears of happiness in her eyes. “When I heard you tiptoeing downstairs I wanted to open the door!”

I throw my arms around her and Mrs. Cocker claps her hands. “We are geniuses!” We look toward the door. “By the sound of that knock, that’s Jerald with your suitcase. Don’t tell him what we told you. Let him stew in this for a night. Two boys sneaking off without telling me! I think not!”

She hurries to the door while I sit on the chaise lounge chair, wiping my eyes. Mother stands beside me, making her face severe again for the benefit of the ruse.

“Jerald, there you are!” Mrs. Cocker takes the suitcase as he scans the room for me, curious how I’m handling their reproach. We lock eyes, and I give away nothing. “Off with you now! We shall see you tomorrow!” She caves a little. “Oh, stop looking so glum. Here!” Digging in her handbag, she hurries back to hand him something. “It was your great-grandmother’s. Now go!” She slams the door on his surprised face. “Frances, you know what I brought in my suitcase? Sherry! Let’s celebrate!”



“We have to stop meeting like this,” I tell Gibbons as I open the door the next morning, rubbing sleep from my eyes. “You have news?”

“You’re to be at Piedmont Park in an hour.”

“What time is it?”


My eyes widen. “Inner clock hasn’t quite adjusted, I guess.”

“Took me a month.” He starts to walk away.