May is wrapped over me, her body lax. I turn my head to find dust particles floating on sunbeams through a crack in the curtains. Watching them while I listen to my girl’s soft breathing, I feel good on the inside.
I’ve got nowhere to be and someone to be there with.
She rouses, blinking the room into focus, and stretches her body, one fist reaching high. Lifting up to see if I’m awake, May says, “Oh!”
“Were you watching me sleep?”
“No, but I was listening. This position, you on my chest, hard to see you. Look at the dust in the sunlight over there.”
She gazes at it, and after a moment smiles just like I knew she would. “That’s magical.”
“I figured a girl who likes bugs might find it pretty. Didn’t count on magical though.” I gather her up and kiss her neck.
“Private Cocker?!”
We look to the knock, both of us jarred by it. “Yeah, Walter?”
“You have a phone call!”
Under my breath I say, “Wait, am I still dreaming?”
“Let’s see.”
“Ouch! You pinched me!”
May’s blue eyes are huge. “Had to find out!”
We jump up, rushing for our clothes as I call to him, “Give me a second, Walter!”
She whispers while pulling on her lavender dress and searching for stockings, “Who could it be?”
“Someone who knows we’re here, and that’s not good!”
“Did you tell anyone, Jerald?”
“No, of course not!” Buttoning up my shirt I mutter, “I know you didn’t have time to tell the girls!”
“I’ve been with you this whole time.”
“Hang tight.”
“I’m coming with you if I can just find my panties!”
Snatching them from under the soiled blanket we left in a corner, I toss them over. She lets them drop, staring at them. “I’ll get a new pair.”
“Why don’t you stay here?” I walk to the door, smoothing my hair. “Good morning, Walter, good to see you again.”
We walk toward the front desk, side by side. “It’s one in the afternoon, son.”
It’s what?!
Hiding my alarm, I chuckle, “I suppose my body hasn’t had time yet to get used to dry land and normal schedules.” Glancing to him, I gauge his expression as amiable.
“I remember that feeling,” Walter sighs. “Took me months to acclimate.”