“Say, who’s on the phone?”

“Your father.”

I cough, covering my mouth. “I see. How did you know that? Out of curiosity?”

“He said he was Congressman Cocker and asked if his son Jerald was staying in my hotel. I said yes, and went to get you.”

Sucking my teeth I nod. “Fine fine good good.”

“Sounds like a nice fellow, for a politician. Here’s the telephone there.” He walks to the far side and picks up a fountain pen to mark up his accounting ledger, slipping on reading glasses.

I pick up the telephone, steel myself, and answer, “Pops, great to hear from you. Everything alright at home, I hope?” so Chief Petty Officer Walter Gibbons doesn’t know what deep shit I’m in.

“Jerald, what in Sam Hill are you doing all the way in Atlanta with Fred’s daughter!”

In the background, Ma says, “I’ll tell you what he’s doing! Or what he’s done!”

“Quiet, Frances, I’ll handle this! Jerald, have you lost your damn mind?”

“Have you no forethought for what would happen!”

“I said I’d handle this! Jerald, you get back here today!”

“What good will that do? Her reputation is already ruined! Her parents will know they didn’t just sleep in a hotel!”

“Frances, dammit, cut it out! Jerald, I called every establishment from here to Atlanta when Fred telephoned me, shouting before I’d had my coffee.”

“Who cares about your coffee at a time like this, Raymond?!”

“I’m trying to tell the boy that I wasn’t prepared!”

“How could you be?”

“Let me handle this, wife, or I will hang up and make the call from my office with the door locked!”

“Try it! I heard you say which hotel. By the time you get there, I’ll be on the line making decisions that must be made.”

I try to get his attention, rubbing the bridge of my nose as I say, “Pops.”

“If anyone’s making decisions, it’s me! Stop insinuating yourself into the situation. Did Fred call you? No, he called me!”

“We are in this together!”

“Hey Pops!”

“If you’re threatening to make calls and decisions while I go to my office for privacy, then that’s not ‘together’ in my book!”

“And this is?”

“Pops!” I yell.

He yells back, “Jerald, hold on! I’m arguing with your mother!”

I hang up, and look over to Walter who’s watching me from over his glasses, chin tucked in and doubled.

“Seems my folks are having a fight.”

“Mmm. Happen often?”