The three of us simultaneously say, “Is so.”
“Somebody has to be the voice of reason!”
We all stare at Sable.
Lily announces, “It’s settled then!”
“Hey!” It’s no use. Lily wins every argument they ever have and this one won’t be any different. So she gives up, and shrugs. “Fine.”
With mixed terror and fascination we watch Lily catch Hank Cocker’s attention. After a very brief and silent exchange she is victorious. “Girls, we’re in business!”
Four dresses vanish from sight.
“Interested?” Hank grins.
“Am I? Hold on there, not so fast.” I flatten my hand on his chest. “Sound the alarms while you’re at it, Hank, come on.”
“Sorry. Wasn’t thinking straight. We can’t just run after them.”
“That’s right. Patience.”
Darren strolls back from hoofing it on the dance floor. “What’s buzzin’ cousins?”
Peter yawns, “We might be shoving off. Wanna come?”
“Already? Nah. You fellas go. Can’t run out now. Still got some dance cards with my name on them.”
Marvin asks, “More than two?”
“Don’t you?”
“Well, sure but…”
“You don’t, do you.”
Marv glances around our expectant faces, and shrugs. “Don’t feel much like dancing, is all.”
Hank throws an arm around his shoulder to include him in our group, calling to Darren, “So long!”
As soon as we’re out of earshot, he reassures his pal, “Didn’t want him to come anyhow, Marvin. You see there’s four of them and four of us. Darren would have made it five, right? And you know, Sable is there…”
Marvin perks up, and off we go on our adventure.
Outside, my brother chuckles, “There they are. Don’t know about you fellas, but I don’t think this is a smart plan.”
Peter gives him a wink. “Which of us is smart?”
“Not you.”
The dolls have spotted us, whispering to each other.
May’s chest rises quickly. I keep my gaze up as a gentleman, but I caught a glimpse and liked what I saw.
Peter is first to speak. “Say Lily, any idea how much trouble you could get in if you’re caught out here with us?”