“So, are you leaving?”
“Don’t wanna leave neither.”
Hank and his friends exchange a look. “Well I don’t see how…hey look! Lily’s trying to get our attention!”
Lily whispers, “Girls, listen to this. I have a swell idea!”
“Oh no!” Sable groans, pushing her glasses higher on her nose on account of they slid when she leaned in. “I’m not going to like this!”
And she most likely won’t.
But I might.
Lily saw Jerald Cocker looking over his shoulder when he left after Sister Charlotte made him, and she claims he’s sweet on me. If anyone can come up with a scheme to see if she’s right, it’s Lily. I wish I had her moxie. Gertie and I both do.
Lily Marlow is the prettiest, by far, with sultry eyes and a figure that makes us all wish we drank more milk. Mother’s opinion is she’s a trouble maker, but I believe that’s not fair. She just has no fear, is all. Her best friend, Sable, has enough for both of them!
We lean in closer as Lily explains, “Sister Charlotte and the Buzzard Squad are already bawling out some other poor fella, so as I see it…”
Gertie whispers, “You shouldn’t call nuns buzzards!”
I smile and grab her arm.
Lily ignores her. “…it’s our chance to escape!”
With her usual skepticism, Sable demands, “Where are we going that they can’t find us?!”
“I’m not suggesting we prance down the halls to someplace we’d get caught. We’re smarter than that!”
“Why don’t we just go back to enjoying ourselves? I mean, I wasn’t yet. But I had high hopes!”
Lily rolls her eyes. “Why do you have to be such a fuddy duddy?” Turning to Gertie and me, she whispers, “The sisters are supposed to watch over us when we’re here.”
I blurt, “You mean leave the school?!”
Gertie and Sable gasp.
Lily nods and we all go quiet.
Gertie and I exchange a look and, as her best friend, I know what she’s thinking without her having to say a word. We’re excited to finally be seniors. The school year has just begun. A new world is ahead of us. Do we want to gamble our freedom away on one of Lily’s wild ideas?
Gertie turns to Lily. “Tell us what to do.”
“We’re going to walk right out that door and act perfectly normal. You see, Sable’s parents have gone to Washington for some lobbying, haven’t they Sabes?”
“I don’t like the sound of this at all.”
“What’s the worst that can happen?”
“Don’t even get me started on ideas!”
Lily waves down. “That would be a bad start, wouldn’t it? Everything you think is a downer anyhow.”
“Is not!”