“That’s what I told him, but your brother wants to find that girl and say goodbye to her.”
“Why don’t you just give her a call?”
Frustrated, I head for my room and call back. “I’ll get my suitcase! Hank, you find Ma. Pop, start the car!”
Jumping the stairs two at a time, I hear my brother shouting for her. Good thing I packed last night. If the Navy has taught me one thing, it’s discipline.
I practically fly down the stairs, feet not touching the last two. “Operator? Operator! Put me through to the Kearns residence again, please! Mrs. Kearns? It’s Jerald again! What are May’s favorite places to go?”
A ruckus makes me look up from the page.
From where I sit, tall bookshelves block my view of the librarians desk, and also the front door.
It’s why I like this nook.
But there’s a special kind of silence you can’t find outside of a library, and running shoes plus urgent voices don’t suit.
“You can’t run in here!”
“Excuse me, have you seen a pretty girl with blonde hair come in? About yay high?”
My heart leaps, but my feet are moving like they’re stuck in molasses.
It’s him!
“Do you mean May?”
“Yes! May! May, it’s me! Where are you?!”
“No shouting allowed!”
The sight of Jerald running in his Navy blues dress uniform, white cap and all, undoes me as I step into view. “May! There you are!!”
He slides on his knees, coming to a full stop in front of me. “May, will you wait for me?”
With happiness I laugh, “Nice trick.”
“You like that?” He rises and takes my face in his hands. “Will you wait for me? And write to me?”
“Yes yes yes!”
The librarian gasps as he kisses me. It’s quick, but passionate, my breath stolen from me before he buries his face in my hair and we embrace as he whispers, “I’m so glad I found you. They’re waiting outside. I have to go.”
Taking my hand, we run out. I shout to the librarian, “I need to check out this book!” and toss it on her desk as we pass. It slides and she catches it before it falls off, her eyes wide.
The Cocker family waits in a car I don’t recognize. Jerald smiles, “Our convertible is still drying out!”
“Hi May!” Hank waves.
His father says from the passenger seat, “We really must be going!”
“It’s nice to see you May,” Mrs. Cocker says from behind the wheel, to hurry us more politely, “Give my regards to your family, will you?”
I laugh, and wave to them before looking up at his handsome face. “Where do I send your letters?”