Climbing on my bike, I pedal to the library, praying the whole way.

God, if Jerald Cocker and I would be happy together for a long long long time, please tell him where I am. That will be my sign, and I’ll know that you approve. I need your help, because I’m not sure I trust myself right now!

Abandoning the bicycle outside, I hurry to my special place in the far corner of the library where my favorite books are. Snatching Betsy and Tacy Go Downtown from the highest shelf, I skim a little to where it gets good, and lower myself to the footstool. It takes some time, but I do find a respite from thinking about him, my thoughts transported into the wonderful imagination of author Maud Hart Lovelace.



“Ma, did you have to invite our entire extended family?” I ask, as our cook places more hors d’oeuvres on Ma’s best silver platters.

“It’s a special occasion, so yes. Now stop hiding in the kitchen!” She shoos me along, and I am forced to hear the well wishes of family members so distant I don’t recall their names. I excuse myself, and make a beeline for the telephone. The operator connects me to the Kearns residence in a jiffy, and May’s Mother answers, “Hello?”

“Mrs. Kearns? Good morning. It’s Jerald Cocker. Might I have a word with May?”

“I’m sorry, but she’s not here.”

I wince, stricken with the realization, “Today is a school day. How could I have forgotten that?” To myself I mutter, “How am I going to say goodbye?”

Silence on the other end of the line, and then, “Actually, May stayed out of school today. She wasn’t feeling well.”

“Good! I mean, I’m sorry to hear that. Excuse me, but then where is she?” I pause, horrified. “She’s not in the hospital!”

“She took a bike ride.”

“A bike ride?” I frown, more confused than ever. “I see. Okay, thank you. Would you happen to know where?”

“I do not.”

“When she’s coming back?”

“That I’m not sure of either.”

Rubbing my face, I turn to the wall, voice earnest. “Mrs. Kearns, is she there and not taking my phone call? I’ll drive right over.”

I hear a frustrated sigh and then, “Jerald, I can honestly say that right now I wish she were here. But unfortunately that is not the case. I do not know her whereabouts. Trust me when I tell you that if I did, I would share the information. But as it stands… well I just don’t know what to do! Why don’t you go find her!”

I blink at the meaning behind her words. It seems she’s giving her permission. “Thank you ma’am. Thank you!”

Hanging up, I make my way through the crowd. “Excuse me. Excuse me! Pops! Where are you?”

“Here, Jerald! What’s the matter?” I find him sitting in the drawing room with his second cousin twice removed, and her husband.

“Can I borrow your car?”

“After what you did to my Lincoln yesterday, I should say not!” He rises and stamps his cigar in an ashtray. “We need that car to get you to the airport!”

“Not yet.”

“What do you mean, not yet?” He pulls his pocket watch from a small compartment inside his suit. “By golly, we do! This is not a flight you want to miss.”

“I know that, sir, but I need to find May.”

He stares at me. “Isn’t she in school?”

“No, and I didn’t get to say a proper goodbye to her yesterday. What with the dinner last night, then packing, and today this party before I even got the sleep out of my eyes, my head got scrambled. I thought I had more time. I have to find her!”

Hank strolls in, “Say Jerald, much as I hate to say it, I believe we better go.”