The vehicles waste no time, eating up the distance in a matter of minutes. The few remaining Nagas take off to hide, dragging their bleeding bodies out of the path of certain death, leaving me alone to face this new threat. Taking a deep breath, I fire off a few warning shots. I’m quickly running out of bullets, needing to save the last few.
The vehicles do not slow down, the bullets bouncing off their odd, shiny surfaces. The metal is nothing like I have ever seen before, a tell-tale sign that they have been accepting gifts from non-human sources.
Firing another shot, I screech with anger when the first vehicles skid to a halt less than twenty feet away. The men behind the wheels are wearing masks, hiding their identity from me. Another few join ranks, making a semicircle around us. Hardening my heart, I prepare to fight to the death for my mate.
The eyes glaring at me hold none of the mercy that I had hoped for. My fear is only confirmed when the furthest away vehicle skids to a halt where it sits. To my horror something massive raises from the back, a type of weapon I have never seen before. Scooting back, I fight the urge to run. I will not leave him at the mercy of these monsters. Human nature has never been kind to those that are different.
Long minutes of silence stretch between us and yet I find that I do not care to speak. I am one woman against an army. The smart thing to do would be to run and hide. I am no coward, especially not when it is at the expense of someone I love. They have hesitated. It has to be enough for now.
The boom of the last vehicle’s gun almost shatters my hope and my eardrums, the sound so loud and unexpected that the shock wave topples a few buildings. A scream builds, trying to tear itself free when I see our fate written in the weaving of the net that is bursting through the space the others left. A perfectly crafted trap.
The impact, when it hits, is like being run over by a semi-truck. The scream escapes, morphing to a manifestation of pain as the heavy net slams my body against Ragnar’s. The weight of it is unimaginable and I think they mean to crush me, the net closing around my mate’s body without a thought for my own. Desperately I shift, trying to get out from beneath the odd metal roping. The only solace is found between Ragnar’s front legs.
The crushing weight of the net shifts, pulling my mate’s body into a tight ball, with me at the center. Anger rushes forward and I look for my dropped gun, even angrier when I can’t find it. I am rendered helpless, unable to fight back. I hoped that I could save him and now we will both die. Helpless tears run down my cheeks as my world is slowly eroded away, one tight cinch of the net at a time. The men are no longer silent, shouting orders and commands as they secure their catch.
“Fuck you! Fuck you, you heartless pieces of shit!” I scream, letting every ounce of anger and frustration bleed into my words. It is cathartic in a way. “You are fucking pigs! This is why our world was destroyed! The rest of the universe judged us as heartless monsters and they were right! I HATE YOU!” I scream, over and over I vent my frustration. No one responds but I note with a perverse satisfaction that they have fallen silent. Good. Let them stew over my words. Bastards.
When we start moving, I am not surprised but I am horrified. Fear for my mate and myself is uppermost in my mind. They are dragging him over the asphalt, every ragged bump and piece of debris cutting into his beautiful scales.
“No! Stop! STOP! You are hurting him!” I scream, wedging myself between his legs the best I can, trying to avoid the razor-sharp ground beneath us. The distance between the store we were at to the human encampment flashes to mind and I want to cry at the pain my mate will be forced to endure.
My screams fall on deaf ears. For long, agonizing minutes my mate is dragged over the proverbial coals. Green blood oozes from the many scrapes and wounds, splattering us both as the vehicles pick up speed. Helplessness is not a feeling I stomach easily. It only makes me mad. Mad that I can’t stop this. Mad that my mate is being treated like this because of the way he looks.
The beating of his multiple hearts is the only thing keeping me sane through the grueling trip. When the terrain changes, I know we must be close. The vehicles speed up and the road smooths out, nowhere near as destroyed as other parts of town. A multitude of voices can be heard, picking up in volume as we get closer. The creak of something wood-like, the gasps of horror. All signs that we are amongst humans.
Still, we do not stop moving as my mate is dragged further into the encampment. The sound of voices is loud until we pass, quieting as the humans within get a good look at my mate. Fucking assholes. He is beautiful, even with his shredded scales and battle wounds. My heart doesn’t care what he looks like. It cares what type of male he is, just as they should. Instead, the insidious whispers break the hold I have on my sanity.
The words swirl in my mind, growing in volume until it is all I can hear. Monster. Beast. Brutal. Hideous. Better off dead. Slapping my hands over my ears, I try to tune the words out. It doesn’t help, my mind replaying them even once they are gone. Their effect is strengthened by my fear and my rage.
By the time we come to a full halt, I am a pulsating bundle of violence. A multitude of sounds assault my ears, but I am not tuned into any of them. Aliens could be speaking outside the cocoon of my mate’s body and I wouldn’t hear them. I am focused on one thing and one thing only. Revenge. Revenge for Ragnar.
A clicking vibrates through my body until I begin to see cracks of light as the net is loosened. Large bands, made of the same metal as the vehicles, are placed on Ragnar’s legs. Little by little, the net is released until I hear it crash to the ground, freeing me from my hiding place. Artificial light stabs me in the eyes, my surroundings become clear once I adjust to the change.
We are in a large warehouse full of odd weapons, vehicles and men. Ignoring the alien technology, I zero in on my closest target. A masked man is standing at Ragnar’s feet, adjusting the bands. Shutting off the logical side of my brain, I launch myself at him.
We collide in a mass of cursing, swinging limbs. Surprise is on my side, and I land a good punch to his cheek. He falls like a sack of rocks and when his body hits the ground I am onto my next target. The next man is expecting it, but I still manage to take him to the ground, giving as good as I get.
“Enough! Fuck! Reggie! Calm the fuck down!” Someone shouts and then a multitude of hands are grabbing at me. I do not listen, letting my frustration out on the man beneath me. When he stops moving, I whirl to face the newest threats. Familiar faces register, but I don’t give a shit. They hurt Ragnar, I’m going to hurt them.
I’d have succeeded if one of the assholes didn’t clock me in the jaw. Thrown off balance, my hesitation is enough for them to tackle me. Kicking, I am like a wild cat until finally they have me pinned. Opening my mouth, I scream the most unhinged, violent things I can think of. I scream so loud that I hope every monster within a hundred-mile radius can hear me. If they are so convinced my mate is a monster, I will show them a real monster.
The slap isn’t unexpected, but it still takes me by surprise. Shocked, I look up into Sam’s eyes, angry all over again. Opening my mouth to scream again, he flinches like he means to hit me if I do. Considering it a challenge, I do it anyway. Sure, enough he slaps me.
“Shut the hell up before you get us all killed.” He hisses, tossing a worried look over his shoulder. Hysterical laughter bubbles out of me.
“Good! You self-righteous bastard! That is kind of my intention. If you think my mate is a monster, then you are sadly mistaken. There are bigger and badder things out there that will not hesitate to eat you.” Shock registers on his face, as if my answer isn’t what he expected.
“You would sacrifice us all for that ugly sack of shit?” He demands, a disbelieving scowl twisting his face. Lifting my head, I make sure he can hear my next words.
“In. A. Heart. Beat.” Grinning, I let that sink in. I have no loyalty to these people. Their lives mean nothing to me. Whatever kinship I used to feel for Sam is long gone.
“You are so selfish that you would condemn the innocent people here because of a monster? Mothers, babies and the elderly. They used to mean something to you, to the badge you represented.” He admonishes, angered by my honesty.
“What did that fucking badge ever do for me? The justice you demand of me, failed me. Why should I care what happens to any of you? You are worse than the monsters you claim to fight!” I shout, pissed off that he would use such a low blow. The truth? I do care. I do not want anyone innocent in danger because of me. These men are my enemies, not the people they protect.
“I failed you; I will admit that. But I refuse to fail again. These people will die if you do not cooperate.” His voice turns husky with emotion, but I refuse to fall into his trap. My curiosity is piqued though, and my anger.
“How does my cooperation matter? You nearly killed me and have seriously injured my mate. Why should I ‘cooperate’ at all?” Guilt crosses his face for just a moment before he hardens it. Standing up straight, he motions to the men holding me down. One at a time they climb to their feet, as if testing to see if I lose my shit again. I still might.