“You are okay little buddy; Ragnar will keep us safe.” I murmur reassuringly, my eyes finding my mate in the scuffle. He is slowly but steadily getting closer to me, the rage still burning bright in his gaze. A veritable graveyard of Nagas lie in the streets, their bodies mutilated. As many as we have killed, the steady stream doesn’t seem to end and Talnag, Ragnar and the twins are losing strength. The venom is starting to take effect as is the blood loss. This can’t keep going.
Two Nagas escape from the group, slithering towards me. My eyes widen when I realize they will reach me before Ragnar. One is a massive King Cobra type while the other has slender build. Their eyes are laser focused on me, each taking a side to attack from. Taking aim, I shoot them both. They try to dodge but I still manage to hit them in the chest. It doesn’t stop them, it only makes them angrier.
Taking a deep breath, I drop the empty mag and grab a new one from my belt. To my dismay it only holds ten rounds. Ten rounds to save my life. Ten rounds separate me and Floofy from the claws of the snakes trying to kill us all.
My next two shots go wide, the snakes wising up. Ragnar, seeing what is happening, breaks away from his current battle and lunges for the bigger snake, latching onto its tail to drag it away. Whipping around, it latches onto his neck with its fangs, pumping him full of venom as the second one wraps around his snout, using its tail as a rope to keep his jaws closed.
A cry of denial crawls up my throat, fear for my mate blinding me to all else. Raising my gun, I shoot two rounds, killing the one wrapped around his jaw. He rips the other off his throat, but he isn’t fast enough. Massive amounts of venom run down his obsidian scales, much more than the last time. He legs start to shake as he finishes off the bigger Naga. Horror fills me when he crashes to the ground and begins to convulse.
Throwing caution to the wind, I run to his side, shooting anything that tries to get too close. It is unnecessary. The rest of the snake men are either dead or slithering away in defeat. Setting Floofy down, I fall to my knees next to Ragnar. His eyes are closed but his big body is still convulsing.
“Talnag! What do I do? How can I help him? “I ask, begging with all but words for him to help me save my mate. Talnag trots over, his beautiful scales muted by the blood of the snakes he has killed. His own wounds are streaming with his own blood. Dropping his snout to Ragnar’s wound he sniffs. When he raises his head, he has a grim look in his eyes.
“He was hit with a very potent type of venom. That was a hive king. They are bigger and stronger than the Nagas that follow them. It takes a lot to kill us, but he will be in pain for a few days.” Relief makes my chest expand with the breath I wasn’t aware I was holding.
“He can’t stay here.” I say, speaking the obvious. “You are hurt too!” I exclaim, seeing the extent of his own injuries for the first time.
“I am fine. We must get moving, all manner of beasts will be drawn by the blood and gore.” As if to punctuate his words, a loud boom shakes the ground, followed by the revving of an engine. FUCK! Noises kick up in the distance, eerily like when we were holed up a few days ago. The sound of humans. The demeanor of the twins change in an instant, their sails raising once more.
“Humans!” Kan snarls out, his own wounds grievous.
“They will try to capture us!” Kil adds, his sides ripped to pieces. Talnag looks back the way we came, the dust cloud signaling that the humans are on the move. Looking around us, he sees the same thing Ragnar did that first night. Unsafe, busted up buildings. He then looks at Ragnar with a something akin to regret, chilling me to the core. Denial rises to the surface, my entire body freezing at the words I can see forming in Talnag’s mind before he speaks them.
“We must leave him. We must keep you safe above all else. It is what he would want.” The words are like a dagger in my heart.
“I am not leaving him!” I shout, backing away from the male I considered a friend. Unperturbed by my outburst, he moves closer.
“You are the whole reason we are in this mess. He would lay his life down for you and would end ours if we let anything happen to you. The humans are rapidly approaching, and we are injured.
We cannot possibly combat the weapons they are toting around. That boom was only a taste of what is to come if they catch us. Think of your sister!” Talnag’s reasoning is sound and yet it means nothing to me.
I love my sisters and I want to see them again. But not without Ragnar. I will not sell his life to save theirs. Ripping my bag from my back, I stomp towards Talnag. He tilts his head in confusion. Another boom shakes the ground, the gas station to our left exploding in a spray of debris. Shit!
“I am thinking of my sisters. I am thinking that I will not sell my mate’s life for theirs. Take this to the bunker. Stay with Rolcor or return for us, either way I am not leaving my mate.” Talnag looks at me in horror, as if he cannot believe this is the choice I am making. There isn't a choice though. If the humans intend to harm Ragnar, then I will stand as a buffer between my mate and them.
“Your sisters, they are unmated?” Kan asks, breaking the silent standoff between Talnag and I. Turning my face, I nod at him.
“They are like you?” Kil asks, his meaning clear. If I survive this, I will beg forgiveness as playing matchmaker for my sisters and aliens. It serves a purpose, motivating the twins to want to make the trip. To take the medicine to my sisters.
“They are open minded. Take these bags to them, take Floofy to them. Give them both a chance, please. I am begging you. I cannot leave him.” If Talnag will not help me, then maybe the twins are my last hope.
“You would really sacrifice yourself for him?” Talnag asks, confusion written plainly on his scaly face. My answer is immediate.
“Yes. I would. I love him.” All the fight drains out of Talnag. With a sigh, he grabs my bags with his teeth.
“We will return for you when it is safe.” He murmurs, rubbing his jaw against me in the same way Ragnar does when he is soothing me. I lean into it before another boom forces me into motion.
Bending down, I pick up Floofy. He gives a groan of protest, but I shut away any guilt I might feel as I stuff him into one of the empty bags. It is a tight fit but leaves him enough space to breathe while staying secure.
“If we make it out of this, I expect all of you to join our pack.” I say loud enough for the twins to hear.
“If Ragnar doesn’t kill us first.” Talnag mutters, saying nothing else before he bolts away. The twins hesitate for just a moment, rubbing against me before they too disappear down the road. I can only hope that our scent trail will lead them to my sisters. I can’t not worry about that now.
Turning, I raise my gun and point it towards the approaching dust cloud. Hell is approaching and I must convince my demons that I am bigger and badder than they are. That or I kill them. Either way, Ragnar will survive. My love will save him, or the snap-crackle-pop of my Smith and Wessen. I’m not picky.
Chapter Twenty-Three