Page 115 of Love and Cherish

“She knew?” Cherish’s face burned hot with a fierce embarrassment.

“Oh, yeah. Did I forget to mention that? Well, she definitely knows about the make out session by the printer. I’m not so sure about the other night.” Haylee’s shoulders lifted almost high enough to touch her ears, her mouth in a forgive-me-I’m-pretty smile. “I never told you that she saw me before I managed to get my hair and clothes back in order.”

“Oh my God.” Cherish’s mind sputtered, unable to say anything else.

Haylee laughed and pulled Cherish’s arm up so she could snuggle closer into her side.

“There are so many things we need to do.” Haylee sighed after the pleasant silence had wrapped around them for several minutes. “What if I can’t get them all done?”

“You can.” Cherish squeezed her lightly, pulling her in as close as she dared—especially with that little warning from Febe. With a kiss to the top of Haylee’s head, Cherish found she wanted to say the words that once upon a time, not so long ago, she would have barely admitted to herself let alone to anyone else. “Whatever you need to get you through this first year, I’m here for you. You aren’t alone anymore.”

“What would I do without you?”

“Cry and be miserable.” Cherish chuckled as Haylee huffed out an unimpressed sound.

“For that, you get to help me carry up the rest of my stuff.” Haylee pushed to her feet.

“You just want to see me bend over again.” Cherish slid her fingers into Haylee’s, and they headed out of Haylee’s new office.

“Definitely. I don’t want to waste a moment of a jeans day.”

“You’re incorrigible.”

“And you love me that way.”

“Yes,” Cherish said with a light laugh. “Yes, I do love you, exactly the way you are.”


About a year later…

Haylee gasped, her back arching up against the seat of the limo. She clenched her eyes shut tightly, as Cherish dipped two fingers deep inside her. Haylee closed her fingers, dragging her nails against the leather seats with a loud scrape.

Cherish would kill her if she fucked up her hair.

They were stuck in traffic, the slow start and stop on the highway the last thing on Haylee’s mind because Cherish was between her legs. Her tongue was wicked, her fingers firm and forceful—exactly what Haylee had wanted. She had goaded Cherish into this. And the smile it brought to her lips was caused by the sweet satisfaction that rolled through her chest.

They had made it a year.

A fucking year!

Haylee had never had a relationship last that long, and the best thing was that Cherish wasn’t letting up. Oh God, no, she wasn’t. Haylee bit her lip and sucked in a sharp breath. Fuck, Cherish was trying to kill her before they arrived.

But she wanted to hold off until they at least got to the gala. Haylee swallowed down her arousal, trying to figure out what to think about that would help her stave off the orgasm that was already threatening to consume her. Because Cherish was amazing at this. And in their time together, she’d only gotten better.

“Cherry,” Haylee mumbled, scraping her nails again. She wanted so badly to dig her fingers into Cherish’s hair, hold on tight so she could rut relentlessly against her mouth. It was bad enough that Cherish was probably going to need to touch up her makeup. If she didn’t, well, then Haylee was going to have a sweet reminder the entire night until they got home.

Haylee gasped when Cherish found a particularly daunting rhythm. Fingers. Tongue. Fingers, fingers. Tongue. The high she was riding from tonight was going to take her over the edge, and she wasn’t going to be able to catch herself. Thank God Cherish would.

“I’m coming,” Haylee nearly screamed, biting back the words as soon as they left her lips because there was a driver up front. And he probably knew exactly what was happening in the back of the limo.

Cherish sucked her until she came down from the high, no longer teasing but soothing with her tongue. Cherish kissed Haylee’s thighs before leaning up and pulling Haylee’s lips down to hers in a deep, gentle kiss. Haylee hummed, sliding her fingers along Cherish’s shoulders—skipping the hair she still desperately wanted to mess up because she did actually value her life.

“Fuck, I love you.”

“You love my mouth,” Cherish said with a laugh. “Pull your pants up, we’re almost there.”

“We’re what?” Haylee glanced out the window, surprised to find the downtown lights surrounding them. When had they pulled off the highway?