Page 114 of Love and Cherish

“I can’t have the desk here now. The midday and afternoon sun will be right on the plant, and it can’t be in that much light.”

“It’s fake,” Cherish reminded her, her tone deadpan. Why was Haylee treating this plant like it was the most precious thing on the planet?

“It’ll fade, which is a fake plant’s way of dying. Do you want me to be sad about killing another plant?” Haylee put her fists on her hips and pinned Cherish with a sharp look. This was clearly something Haylee wasn’t going to argue about. Cherish knew her well enough by this point to understand that.

“So, where are we moving the desk?” Cherish stepped forward, eagerness suddenly taking over from her previous reluctance. If she could get the desk into the right spot, then she could start putting the rest of the office together and they could leave sooner.

“I can help.” Febe moved to the other end.

Febe stayed and helped move the desk three more times before Haylee decided it was perfect.

“Time for a coffee break. Would you like one Febe?” Haylee asked.

Febe looked at her watch. “I have a few more minutes before I have to get going. I’d love coffee, thank you, Haylee.”

“Cherry?” Haylee asked.

“Yes, please, thank you.”

Haylee gave them a single head nod, turned on her toes, and left the office to head down the hall to the kitchenette. Cherish wasn’t happy that Haylee was in a completely different building now, but she understood why she needed to be in Holbrook’s building instead of theirs.

“She’s so excited,” Cherish said to Febe as she watched the door and waited for Haylee to come back. She’d noticed she’d done that a lot more often lately, unable to be away from Haylee if she could avoid it. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me. She’s done all of this herself. Though I’m not entirely sure she’s prepared for just how much work’s involved.”

“I think some of it will come as a surprise, but she’s smart and resourceful.” Cherish crossed her arms, her shoulders already aching from the physical labor that day.


Haylee returned with coffee, made to each person’s standards.

“So, what exactly do you think will surprise me?” Haylee asked before taking a sip of her coffee.

Febe’s eyes widened, and Cherish chuckled into her mug, almost spilling the hot liquid down her hand. She wasn’t sure if she found Haylee’s forthright question or Febe’s reaction more amusing. Cherish leaned more toward Febe’s reaction. It was rare someone could shock Febe, but Haylee had done it more times than not.

“The walls are really thin around here.” Haylee shrugged, though Cherish could see the twinkle in her eye. She’d done that on purpose. Cherish loved her all the more for it.

“I have a list of what’ll need to be ready by Wednesday.” Febe pulled out a crisp folded piece of paper from her pocket.

“Is this why you really came?” Cherish resisted the urge to snag the paper and read it over. This wasn’t her job, and Haylee was going to have to figure out how to navigate all that was Febe when she was on a mission.

Haylee opened it, her eyes widening as she got to the end of the page and pulled apart what turned out to be three sheets of paper and not just one. Haylee moved back a little, just enough for her to rest her weight on the edge of her desk.

Cherish moved closer, their shoulders brushing as she looked over what she could see of the list.

“It’s a big job you’ve undertaken,” Febe said after she finished her coffee.

“I know. But it’s worth it.” The strength in Haylee’s voice filled the entire office. There was confidence there that Haylee had never had when she’d been working with them directly. Cherish treasured it.

“It is.” Febe nodded, handing the now empty mug to Haylee’s outstretched hand. “I look forward to seeing how the office looks on Monday.”

“Thank you, Febe.” Haylee smiled goodbye.

At the door, Febe turned, a wicked smirk on her lips and a devious look in her eyes. “It’s a pity the walls are so thin here. I suppose you two will have to be more careful the next time you can’t control yourselves by the printer.”

Without missing a beat, Febe disappeared.

Cherish heard the sound of her heels and could have sworn laughter filtered back to them.