Page 116 of Love and Cherish

“When you were debating whether or not to mess up my hair.”

“That easy to read?”

Cherish chuckled. “You love pulling on my hair. Kind of hard to think about sex without it, honestly.”

Haylee laughed, her head still floating through the high from her orgasm. She lifted her hips slightly and pulled her slacks up to button them. Cherish watched her fingers with rapt attention.

“Do you want them in you?” Haylee cooed, seduction in her tone.

“More than anything. But we don’t have time.”

“I’ll find time. Allegra has a long speech planned.”

“Oh, does she?” Cherish raised an eyebrow. “Because Febe’s speech is short, and you know how she likes to get off the stage and drink as soon as possible.”

Haylee remembered fondly how Febe hated public speaking. Allegra, however, was very good at schmoozing the public. Then again, that was literally her job. She needed to have that skill in order to make Holbrook work, and Haylee was enjoying learning that skill from an expert.

“We’re here,” Cherish said, a sudden worry in her voice.

Haylee finished buckling her belt just as the door opened and Febe popped her head in. She wrinkled her nose and stared at both of them before stepping back and straightening. “Out.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Haylee mumbled as she climbed out of the back of the limo. As soon as she put her foot out, Febe held out her hand and Haylee snagged the small little box in her palm. She clenched it tightly as she held her breath, nerves hitting her belly like a ton of bricks.

Why had she thought this was a good idea again?

Febe had thought it was brilliant, said she’d help to plan everything, but now that it was here, Haylee nearly threw up. She couldn’t do this. Febe touched her arm and gave her a firm but understanding look. It was the confirmation and support that Haylee needed.

Taking three more steps until she was out of the way so Cherish could get out of the limo, Haylee prepared herself. She could do this. Her palms were sweaty, her chest constricted, and she still wanted to puke her guts up.

“If you two are going to take liberties in a vehicle I’m paying for, you can get your own car next time.” Febe’s words were precise and hard hitting.

There had been no hiding that from her. She’d noticed as soon as she opened the door, and Haylee had just ignored her. Cherish, however, wouldn’t. Her cheeks were flaming red as she smoothed down her dress and stared at the ground. Febe turned and winked at Haylee, then gave her a sharp nod.


That was her cue. And the comment had been to give Haylee a few more seconds to pull herself together. With a deep breath, Haylee moved down onto her knee and held her hands up with the ring open so Cherish would see it as soon as she took her first step. Her heart was in her throat.

She wasn’t even going to be able to speak.

Words weren’t coming to her head.

Cherish took that step. She lifted her gaze. She locked her eyes on Haylee.

The world stopped.

Haylee sucked in a breath and tried to smile. It probably looked more like a grimace. “I love you, Cherry.”

“Oh my God.” Cherish covered her mouth with her hands, the fingers that had just been deep inside Haylee.

“I know it hasn’t been that long—”

“Oh my God,” Cherish said again.

“But I want to find out what forever is.” Haylee was confident now, the words coming faster than she’d anticipated, but she was so ready for this. “Will you marry me?”

“Oh my God!” Cherish screeched.

Febe stepped behind Haylee, and then everything was about Cherish, this beautiful woman in the black dress in front of her. The way her cheeks were red, her eyes wide, and that silly grin she was giving Haylee.