“Well, she just might help you get out of that head of yours.”
“She did. She does,” Cherish snapped and regretted it instantly. “Sorry. I just… The bet was stupid, I know that. But there was a condition.” This time Cherish smiled at her own shock at Haylee’s observation of her.
“What was the condition?” Stuart’s eyes glinted, and Cherish knew he would love this, the big sappy romantic that he was.
“These donuts that cost a bucket, but they are so delicious and decadent. I treated myself very rarely, but Haylee…” Another piece dropping into place. “She’s never had one. I just assumed she didn’t care to, but now.”
“Now what?” Stuart asked.
“It doesn’t matter. What matters is that she’s never had one, and they do these special-order ones.” Cherish groaned and ran her fingers through her hair. They were still standing in the doorway, as if on the precipice of staying or going.
“It’s stupid, isn’t it? To go buy her a donut?”
“Definitely not.”
Cherish could have sworn Stuart’s eyes were shinier than they had been just moments ago.
“Oh it is. It’s not enough,” Cherish whined.
“She knows you, right?” Stuart’s tone took on a placating quality. “Then she would understand what it means for you to do something like this. Yes?”
“Yes.” Cherish smiled and nodded. Haylee would understand that part at least. But Cherish knew that the donut was more than just food. It had to come with words and confession and apology. She had to crack herself open for Haylee in a way she’d never done for anyone else. Otherwise, this plan she was creating on the fly was never going to work.
“All right then, let’s go get your girl.” Stuart pulled on Cherish’s wrist once more.
“I am not going barefoot to get her a donut.”
“She’d be impressed.” Stuart’s confidence made her have to hold back a giggle. She loved when he got bossy like this. When he wasn’t just placating her nerves but actually forcing her to do something about them.
“What are you up to, Stuart Glenn Barkley?”
“Firstly, that’s just mean.” Stuart narrowed his eyes but the small smile on his lips took away any sternness.
“And secondly?”
“Hurry up and get your shoes or you’re going over my shoulder.”
“Don’t you dare.” Cherish squawked as she raced away from his reaching arms. She slipped on the first pair of shoes she found and returned to the door, wallet and keys now in her back pockets.
“Has she ever seen you in jeans before?”
“Nope.” Cherish bit her bottom lip.
“Well, it’s about time she got to know all of you.”
Cherish couldn’t agree more as she followed Stuart downstairs and to her car.
As they slipped into the vehicle, Cherish pried one more time. “How did you get here?”
“No more questions.” He clicked his belt into place. “Time to focus on the mission.”
The donut shop’s lights were on, but the place had never been so empty. Cherish hadn’t been there many times. She hadn’t been kidding about how much they cost. But still, there was no line, and no one sitting at the booths along the glass windows.
“Something’s very odd about this,” Cherish said as she pushed through the doors and opened them up to music she had never heard in this place before. Familiarity washed over her, but there were no words, just soft music in the background.
She couldn’t quite place it and shook her head to rid her of the annoyance she knew it would become later when she still hadn’t put a name to the song.