With a watery laugh at the expression they had grown up hearing, Cherish pushed herself back out of Stuart’s arms, fingers brushing the wetness left on her cheeks.
“I’m sorry, come in.” She stepped back, but Stuart had already started shaking his head before she had finished speaking.
“No time, baby sis. We need to get going.”
“Going? Where?” Why did Cherish already feel like such an idiot, always the last to know what was going on?
“Well, now, if I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her in for a side hug.
“What’re you even doing here?” She sent him an accusatory look. “I bet Febe called you in because she thinks I’m about to crash and burn.”
“Maybe.” Stuart raised an eyebrow at her. “Are you?”
“No.” She shuffled a half step farther back into her apartment. “Yes. But I’m not going anywhere. I have to figure out what I’m going to do.”
“Do about what?”
Cherish tucked her chin into her chest, her cheeks burning with too many emotions as she looked down at the carpet between her bare feet and Stuart’s boots. “About groveling to Haylee.”
She wasn’t entirely sure what reaction she’d expected, but the raucous laugh that filled the hall outside of her apartment hadn’t been in the top three. This reaction wouldn’t have made the list at all, to be honest.
“So you’re finally ready to admit it?” Stuart chuckled.
“Admit what?” What was he doing here anyway? Was he just here to irk her even more? Cherish wrung her hands together, staring up at her big brother, the only man she’d always admired.
“Oh, so we’re still avoiding. That’s okay.” Stuart shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “I can wait a few minutes for you to catch up.”
Cherish gave him the best glare she could manage. She pushed her shoulders back and met her brother’s eyes. “You want me to admit that I’m in love with her.”
“Fantastic. So glad we got there quickly.” Stuart grinned broadly and slid Cherish’s arm in his. He started for the door, dragging her along as he went. “Now let’s go.”
“Go where?” Cherish resisted, but only slightly. She did trust him after all, so when he said he was taking her somewhere, she would go. She just wanted to know what was going on. She hated feeling like she was left in the dark.
“Come on.” Stuart gently wrapped his long fingers around Cherish’s wrist.
“Come on where?” Cherish resisted the pull.
“Cherry, if I let you know, you’ll just overthink it, and that’ll ruin the surprise.” He gave her a hard and serious look. “Just let things happen for once.”
“I get you’re here to help me get my life together. Just tell Febe thanks, but I need to do this in my own way. I need to fix what I broke with Haylee.”
“Like what?” Stuart stopped, locking his eyes with Cherish.
Cherish’s mind buzzed static for a few seconds, her mind racing through every conversation and look and touch the two of them had ever shared.
“The bet.”
“The bet?” Stuart’s face curled up as though something entirely foul had wafted down the hall outside Cherish’s apartment.
“It was stupid, I know. But that’s where I messed up. I should never have made her feel like her goals were less than mine. I should have followed up with her. I shouldn’t have been so flipping selfish.” The words rushed out of her. She should be saying them to Haylee, not her brother, but at least she knew what to say now.
“Okay, so you want to help with her goals?”
“No.” Cherish shook her head. “It’s too late. She went and found it herself, without my help.”
“I think I like her already,” Stuart said. “You move too slow for anyone’s benefit sometimes.”
Cherish shot him a withering stare.