Page 62 of Lucky's Trouble

“Please,” he adds, tossing the covers off me. He pauses to take me in the same way I did him. “Goddamn perfection. Now come on.”

His cock reacts to my nudity, growing in size and girth, the little stainless-steel balls fixed to the top and bottom of his glans tempting me. My mouth goes dry, and my clit pulses, making the choice for me.




Monroe knocks on the door to the small exam room and opens it a crack. “You ready for me?”

Not surprisingly, Lucky didn’t allow Bones to bring me to my appointment. Instead, I rode in with him on the back of his bike. It obviously wasn’t the first time I’d ridden with him, yet it felt so different. I’m confident and comfortable touching him now, so much so that I even slipped a hand underneath his shirt just to touch his skin, and he didn’t shy away from reaching back at every stoplight to rub up and down my thigh, checking in on me with a single touch.

That was an hour ago, and between then and now, I’d stopped in Myla’s room so she could see I was okay. She cried when she saw the ugly bruise in the middle of my forehead that’s now puke green and yellow, and my lip that’s scabbed and crusty, but since I was glowing from the inside after having one of the best nights of my life, it was easy to convince her I’m more than okay. I’m fucking thriving.

I kept my feelings about Lucky a secret, though. Whatever we have going on is filling me with so much hope and joy that I’m not quite ready to share it with her. I know once I do, she’ll flip the fuck out, and I just want to hold onto this feeling for as long as possible before that happens.

“I am,” I say, adjusting the paper sheet covering my lower half.

When it was time for my appointment, Lucky introduced me to the gorgeous doctor who directed me to strip from the waist down and cover myself with the flimsy material. That’s when the nerves kicked in, and now, I’m facing a truth I’ve been denying for a long time because there’s a very real possibility that I might have some sort of STI.

She walks in, her white coat doing little to cover up the chic but revealing outfit underneath. Her silk blouse is unbuttoned enough to expose a good deal of cleavage, and her black skirt is tight and short. Lucky told me they hired her because she got herself through medical school by working in the sex industry, which makes her more understanding and relatable to the women here.

Sitting on a black stool, she scrolls through the paperwork I filled out on her tablet. “First, I want you to know that whatever we discuss is between us. I won’t share it with anyone unless you give me permission. My files are all electronic, and my tablet is kept at my private practice, under lock and key. There’s no chance of anyone here gaining access.”

“Okay. I appreciate that.”

“So, I see your last physical and gynecological exam was some time ago, and during that appointment, you were diagnosed with syphilis?”

My cheeks flame red as I nod.

“I’m assuming you were given a round of penicillin?”


“Okay, good.” She rests the tablet on her lap and looks up at me. “So, what can I do for you today?”

“I’ve been in a bad situation the last two years and haven’t exactly been safe,” I say, hoping I don’t have to spell it out for her.

“Okay. Why don’t I do an exam, take some samples, get some blood, and run some tests? That sound alright?” There’s not a drop of judgment on her face, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

“That sounds good. Thank you. I’d also like to discuss birth control, if that’s something you can do?”

“Of course.”

We go over different methods, and I ultimately choose an IUD so I don’t have to worry about filling a prescription if I ever have to go on the run—not that I tell her that. Lucky seems to think Neal won’t come for me after he kicked his ass, but I’m not so sure. I’ve never known the man to let something go, especially when it has to do with his girls.

Once I’ve made my choice, Monroe stands and sets the tablet on the counter. “Lie back and try your best to relax. This won’t take but a minute.”

Monroe is efficient, performing a pelvic exam, placing the IUD, and then drawing a couple vials of blood, all in less time than it takes me to shave each morning. By the time she’s done, she has me smiling and joking around with her. I can see why they hired her; never once did she make me feel bad for my reasons for being there.

“That’s it. Now, I’ll send these to the lab and should have the results later today. As for the IUD, you’ll probably have some cramping the next couple of days, so take some ibuprofen if you need relief,” Monroe says, pulling off her gloves.


“And you shouldn’t insert anything into the vagina for three days, which includes tampons, dildos, and intercourse.”

I nod, biting my lip.