Page 63 of Lucky's Trouble

“I mean it. I don’t care what that man standing on the other side of the door says.”

“Okay,” I say, but little does she know I’m the one she has to worry about. After the things Lucky did to me last night, I’m looking forward to our next time.

“I’ll step out while you dress, but you’re free to go after that.”

“Thank you, Doctor Monroe.”

“Just Monroe. It’s common for doctors to keep formalities so there’s a separation between them and their patients, but given the patients I see, I don’t find it necessary.”

I smile slightly. “Okay. Thanks, Monroe.”

“Anytime.” She throws me a wink and walks out.

After dressing, I walk out to find Lucky right where Monroe said he was, leaning on the wall right outside the door, a piece of licorice hanging from his mouth.

“All done?” he asks.

“Yep.” I steal his candy, making him pout and me laugh. “What now? Are you going to take me back to your place?”

“Yeah. Unfortunately, I have a shift at the Garage I couldn’t get out of.”

“It’s okay. I’m a little tired and crampy, so I could use some rest.”

“Are you okay? What did she do to you in there?” he asks, his tone concerned.

“I had a birth control device inserted, and that’s just a side effect.”

“Oh yeah?” He waggles his brows, all concern gone.

“Don’t look too excited. No sex for three days.”

He takes my hand, guiding me to the exit. “I waited my whole life for you. Three days is nothing.”

I frown, glad he can’t see it as we walk side by side. I’m sure most girls would swoon at a statement like that, but all it does for me is raise flags. No man is this perfect, especially when he was a certified player last week. While I didn’t tell Myla about Lucky and me, she must have her suspicions. While I was in her room earlier, she made it a point to tell me even more stories about his sexcapades.

I took it with a grain of salt because I do believe Lucky is infatuated with me. There’s no questioning that, but I do question his future intentions, so I need to protect my heart and not get caught up in all his flowery words.

It’ll suck if wakes up one day and doesn’t want me anymore , but I’ll be okay. I have to be. I didn’t make it through all this just to be destroyed by yet another man. It also won’t stop me from enjoying my time with him while it lasts, so as we ride back to the compound, I hold him a bit tighter than normal, soaking up how good it feels.

“You already know the Garage is just right next door,” Lucky says after safely delivering us back to the compound. “So I’ll be close in case you need anything. Sugar’s somewhere in there too.”

I lift onto my toes and place my hands on his chest. “I’ll be fine.”

He dips down to kiss me, but this one’s gentle. He didn’t like the way my lip looked this morning and swore he’d be careful until it healed. I told him it didn’t matter, but he’s obviously sticking to his promise.

He grabs two handfuls of my ass. “See you later, okay? I’ll take you out to dinner, or if you’re not feeling well, we can order something.”

“We can have dinner with the club. There’s no need to change your routine.”

Lucky told me that most nights, all the members who live in the cabins have dinner together. Apparently, Sugar makes a big spread. It sounds fun, and I want to check it out.

“We’ll see.” He rubs the top of my head, messing up my hair. “Bye.”

“You ass,” I say, fixing my hair into place as I watch him walk off.

I knew the Garage was next door, but I never paid it much attention. Shading my eyes with a hand, I see that just beyond the iron fence that’s topped with barbed wire is a dumpy-looking car garage, and beyond that is what appears to be a junkyard, exactly what you’d expect from a motorcycle club. Intentionally unassuming and boring, they might as well fly a flag that says Nothing to see here, Mr. Policeman.

Once Lucky is out of sight, I walk through the front door of the compound, set on going to Lucky’s cabin and reclaiming my spot on the sofa. I have more reality TV to watch. I stop when I see a man I don’t know sitting at the bar, an e-reader in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. Not unusual, but what has my attention is the clerical collar he’s wearing underneath his cut. It’s unexpected.