I grunt, still not liking how familiar they became in just twenty minutes. He’s still laughing as he walks out the door.
“Not hungry?” I ask, noticing she’s moving her food around with a fork but not actually eating any of it.
“Not especially. Though I need to eat because I was too stressed out yesterday to think about food.” She stabs a chunk of scrambled egg and puts it in her mouth.
“You shouldn’t skip meals.”
“You shouldn’t tell a grown woman what to do.”
I frown. “Listen, about what you heard—”
“It’s none of my business.”
“It wasn’t, but it is now. I think I’ve been clear on what I want, so until you tell me there’s no place in your life for me, that’s all in the past.”
She huffs. “So you’re just going to wait around in the hopes I give you an in?”
“Pretty much. Yeah.”
“That’s not how playboys operate.”
I slide down a stool so I’m next to her. “Is there a place for me in your life?”
“I have a lot to figure out; there’s no place for anyone right now.”
I tip her chin up, but she doesn’t give me her eyes. “Could there be?”
She stares at her breakfast for a long minute. “Maybe.”
“That’s good enough for me.” Saying all I had to say, I give her back her space, sliding to my own stool. “What’s this appointment Bones was talking about?”
A few of my brothers begin to file in, but they keep their distance from us.
“He said the Honey Pot has a doctor I should see.”
Monroe is the gynecologist the club pays to do all the STI testing on the incoming girls and be around for any questions or concerns they have. After what Tinleigh told me about that fucker Neal raping her, Bones was smart to suggest it.
“I’ll make sure he has your number so you can make that appointment.”
“I have some shit to do today. The first thing is just right in that room by the front door, but no one’s allowed in there, so don’t come looking for me.”
“What do you do in there?”
“Didn’t take you guys for the religious sort.”
“We’re not,” I say until Judge’s ugly mug pops into my head. “Most of us, anyway. It’s just a meeting with all the ranking members. Prez, Rigger, Riot, Golden, Dutch, Satyr, and me. Depending on how that goes, think you’ll be okay if I dart out for a few hours?” I ask.
“Or you could take me to the Honey Pot, and I can hang out with Myla.”
“I told you, you’re not safe there.”
“I can’t stay locked up here for the rest of my life.”
“It hasn’t even been twenty-four hours.”