“I guess.” She rubs her eyes, still looking exhausted, and I wonder if she slept last night. I know I didn’t. Knowing she was only feet away, sleeping in my bed, it was all I could do not to climb up that ladder and hold her all night. Fuck, I sound like a pussy, but it’s true. All I want from her right now is to be in her space.
“Did you call Myla yet?”
“Maybe start with that.” I stand. “Sugar’ll be around all day if you need anything, and you have my number. You can stay in here and explore or go back to my place. Whatever you want. If you see a ginger-haired creeper lurking around, ignore him. I told him his life depends on your safety, so he most likely won’t stray far.”
“Who is he?”
“Tigger. He’s a prospect.”
She tilts her head. “Prospect?”
“He wants to patch in, but we don’t let just anyone wear our colors. So he prospects, and if he passes all our tests for a year, he’ll earn a patch.”
“MC rules are so weird.”
“Sometimes shit gets real around here. We need to make sure we can count on the brother standing next to us or the one guarding our girl,” I say, the implication intentional.
“Lucky!” Rigger shouts. “Church.”
“I’ll be fine,” she says.
“See you in a bit then.” I drop a kiss on the top of her head and move to leave, but before I get out of arm’s reach, she grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. She doesn’t turn to look at me or acknowledge me in any other way—just a simple squeeze to say all the things she doesn’t have words for yet.
I get the feeling no one has ever truly cared for her except her sister, and she doesn’t know how to trust it. That’s fine by me. I’m not going anywhere.
* * *
“Fuck you, man. If you were in my situation—”
“I wouldn’t be in your situation,” Riot shouts back at me.
“Calm the fuck down.” Cy bangs his gavel on the copper table.
I dig my thumbs into my eye sockets, feeling a headache brewing. “I know we aren’t social justice warriors, and I’m not looking to start a war. I just want to teach him a lesson and let him know what’ll happen if he comes anywhere near Tinleigh again.”
“And you don’t think that’ll start a war?” Riot asks.
“Wars are bad business, and his clients won’t tolerate the exposure if shit goes bad.”
“I agree with Lucky. Neal’s main focus is money, and he has no shortage of women to take Tinleigh’s place. He’ll be pissed about getting some sense knocked into him, but then he’ll move on,” Rigger says, and I give him a nod in thanks.
“And who’s still paying on your debt, Rig?”
He glares at Riot. “I didn’t ask you to do that. You fuckin’ volunteered because you’re a sadistic asshole.”
“Say that again, motherfucker. I dare you.” Riot stands, cracking his knuckles.
“Gladly.” Rigger gets to his feet, but before a fight can start, Cy’s banging on the table again.
“Enough!” he roars. “We’ll settle this like everything else. Let’s take a vote. Everyone in favor of Lucky giving that prick at the Thirst Trap a lesson, say ‘aye.’”
As we go around the room, each of my brothers gives their support. All but Riot. I don’t know what his fucking problem is, and I don’t care. What happened with the Costa family has nothing to do with this. I’m not asking him for anything, and if shit goes sideways, he’ll be the last person I ask for backup.
Cy bangs his gavel. “It’s decided. Once it’s done, I want everyone on high alert. Report back if anyone on the streets even looks at you sideways.”
“Thank you,” I say. “Anyone who wants to come, I’m headed to the Thirst Trap right after they open for the night. Figure that’s when the least amount of security will be around.”