Page 34 of Lucky's Trouble



“He got you good,” Lindsay says, handing me an ice pack where I’m laid up in bed. I did manage a shower last night, but other than that, I’ve been here.

I accept it, placing it on my forehead and wincing. My interaction with Neal left me with a lump on my temple, the back of my head, and the bridge of my nose. I also have a split lip and bruises on my back and throat, but none of that can compare to the damage to my self-esteem.

I should be able to handle this, to take my licks and move on. That’s what I’ve always done, and it’s always worked. Until now. I spent one day with a good-looking biker who has a savior complex, and suddenly, I’m breaking down and asking to be rescued? Pathetic.

Still, I can’t regret it. I’ve never felt more relief than when I asked for help, and he said yes without even thinking about the implications. The guilt came later, after the call ended and I had more time to think. Because Neal won’t give up easily, especially since he just lost a girl.

Karina was a lot like me. She got herself involved with the club and only realized what that meant after there was no way out. The longer time went on, the more I saw the determination grow in her eyes. Neal saw it, too, and did what he does best—tried to beat it out of her.

He doesn’t know that girls like us don’t break easily. We survive. The more hits we take, literally and metaphorically, the more bravery builds inside us until we’ll do anything to get free. I wasn’t surprised when she disappeared one night, but Neal was.

Any privileges we had, like going grocery shopping or to appointments alone, were taken away. For weeks now, we’ve had his goons at our side the second we leave the building until we return. The longer Karina’s gone, the worse it gets. I see the madness in his eyes growing, and my leaving will throw him over the edge.

Which is why I won’t stay with the Sons for long. Maybe a night or two, and then I’ll run. Myla will loan me some money, I know she will, and after I’m certain Neal can’t find me, I’ll repay every dime.

“I deserved it,” I say robotically because Lindsay is a snitch. She’s new and thinks shit like what happened to me won’t happen to her if she plays teacher’s pet. I used to think that, too.

“What were you thinking, anyway?” She flips her long black hair over her shoulder and sits on the edge of the bed.

“I don’t know. I only went to the diner for breakfast, but this guy asked if I wanted to take a ride. You know how strict Neal has been lately, and I just wanted a minute to myself. I realize now how dangerous that was.”

“Neal’s only trying to keep us safe. Did you forget that Karina was taken only a few weeks ago?”

Taken. I wonder if she believes the bullshit she’s spewing or if she’s fooling herself on purpose. Anyone who knew Karina knows she wasn’t taken anywhere she didn’t want to go.

“I know.” I close my eyes and push down my irritation. Neal can’t get wind of what I’m planning to do. Allowing the tears that’ve been sitting right below the surface all day to spill free, I open my eyes and meet her gaze. “How will I make it up to him?”

“It won’t be easy. Trust is the most important thing to him, and you broke that, babe.” She sighs, placing a hand on my knee, making my skin crawl. “Hope it was worth it.”

“It wasn’t. Not at all. I’m so disappointed in myself.” The lies roll off my tongue easily. That’s what happens when you spend your entire childhood convincing the people closest to you that you’re someone you’re not.

“You should be. Neal does a lot for us, and you took all that good and threw it in his face.”

“You’re right.”

“I know I am.” She stands. “Now I have to go get ready on my day off to cover your shift.”

“I’m sorry, Lindsay. Thank you.”

“What choice did I have? No one would make money tonight if you went out there looking like this.”

I want to drive a knife into her fucking forehead. Lord knows there’s enough real estate there. She needs to get the hell out of here before I lose what little control I have left.

“I’ll be sure to ice and rest so the swelling goes down and I can work tomorrow.”

“You better. Neal said someone will be right outside the door all night in case you need anything.”

Panic flares inside my chest. “What? Why? I’ll be fine, and I can call him if I need something.”

“Trust, babe. You lost it.” She walks out with an extra pep in her step. Only psychopaths get off on other people’s misery.

Once I’m sure she’s gone, I pull Lucky’s cell out from under my mattress. I can’t risk whoever’s on the other side of the door hearing me if I make a call, so I open the texting app.

Change of plans. Tonight won’t work. Thanks anyway