Page 33 of Lucky's Trouble

“There are things you should know.”

“Don’t need to. You say the word, hellcat, and I’m there.”

“No. Really, Lucky. Neal isn’t what you—”

“Know all about him. Even more after a conversation with the Royal Bastards just now. So like I said, say the word.”

She clears her throat, making an unnatural, crunchy sound that has my nostrils flaring, ready to kill. “I need to think.”

“Tell me something first. You okay?” I ask, setting aside the rage.

“Yeah.” Her voice catches, and I know she’s lying.

“I’ll be there in ten.”

She sniffles. “No. Not right now. Tonight.”

“You want me to come to the Thirst Trap?” Sounds like a horrible idea, but if that’s what she wants, I’ll be there. Guns blazing, if that’s what it takes.

“No. I’m not working tonight.”

Shit. That can’t be good. Now that I know more about the guy, there’s no way he’d give up profits unless the girl making them was so bad off, she wouldn’t make her share. There’s nothing sexy about a beaten woman, not to the kind who get their rocks off in public at a strip club anyway.

I can’t ask her about it, though. If I do and find out that what’s going through my head is true, she won’t be able to talk me out of going there right this fucking second. I don’t fuck with men who abuse women just because they can.

“Where?” I ask instead.

“You know Neal’s apartments, right?”


“I’m in unit five, building A.”

“Got it.” I repeat the location over and over in my head, memorizing it.

She swallows thickly. “Lucky?”


“Come alone, okay? No one should be around, but I don’t want to take chances.”

“Can’t do that.”


“I don’t travel alone, not for something like this. I gotta bring at least one of my brothers.”

She’s quiet, but her thoughts are loud as fuck. She’s scared, and I get it, but there’s no need to be. My brothers and I are good at shit like this; she just doesn’t know it yet.


“See you soon. And if anything changes, your first call is to me, okay?”


“I got you, Tinleigh.” With that, I end the call. If I spent any more time listening to her tormented voice, I’d ignore all plans and do something stupid.

I still might.