“Yeah. Dutch said you were walking a little funny after your private dance.” In a rare show of humor, his lip tips up in the corner.
“I was not.” I laugh, twisting side to side in my chair. “Okay, maybe I was a little.”
“So what does that have to do with Fiona?”
“I guess Dutch can keep his mouth shut about some things.” I pause, thinking of how to word this correctly since Golden is our golden boy who walks a straight line. Or as much as one can when you’re a Son. “Fiona has a twin who works at the Thirst Trap. She was missing her, so I decided to get her and bring her here for a visit.”
“And in order to do that, you needed a private dance?”
“Well, I needed to get her alone to talk to her, didn’t I?”
He smirks, shaking his head. “Did she know who you were when that dance began?”
“Not exactly.”
“You asshole. Was she pissed?”
“Sorta, but shit. Have you seen Fiona?” I wait for his nod, even though the answer is obvious. “Okay, now imagine her, only hotter because instead of being all shy and shit, she’s got an attitude problem.”
“Sounds like trouble,” he grumbles.
“And a hell of a good time,” I add.
“Your mama ever drop you on your head when you were young?”
“I don’t know. I’ll ask her next time I see her.”
He shakes his head in exasperation. “The Thirst Trap, huh? That’s owned by that dickwad Neal, right?”
“Yeah. You know anything about him?”
“Nothing good.”
“Like what?” Seeing the look of fear on Tinleigh’s face when he was brought up has me wanting to know more about this guy and his business. I have a feeling I won’t like what I find and that I should stay out of it, but curiosity has me in a chokehold.
“Just rumors that won’t get you anywhere. If you want to know the real deal, you should talk to one of the Royal Bastards. With them owning Royal Treatment, I’ll bet they have some good intel.”
“That’s actually a good idea.”
“My ideas are always good,” he says without humor.
“Truth.” I stand. “Dads know best.”
“Fucker.” He turns his attention back to the wall of security feeds. “Now get out of here so I can focus.”
With that, I leave. Glancing at my phone, I see it’s been about an hour since I left the girls to catch up. Knowing Tinleigh can’t stick around long, I head that way.
Bunching up the pillow under my head, I roll to face Myla. We’ve been lounging in her bed for nearly an hour now, catching up and reminiscing.
“You look content,” I say, taking my twin’s hand and giving it a squeeze.
“I am. I had a lot of doubts when I applied for this job, but I was desperate. Turns out, I’m really good at making people happy, and I actually enjoy it.”
“You don’t mind having sex with random people?”