Page 18 of Lucky's Trouble

Not gonna lie, any teenage fantasy I had about twins comes bubbling to the surface, and I’d give anything for them to turn to me and drop their clothes. I’ll keep that thought inside my head, though; I value my balls too much to let it out.

“I missed you.” Tinleigh sniffles, making me feel like an even bigger asshole because here they are having a moment, and I’m thinking about how awesome it would be to have double the tits.

“Me too. I can’t believe you’re here. Wait—” She suddenly sobers, pulling away from her sister, a worried look on her face. “How are you here?”

“This asshole showed up at the club last night and told me you’ve been worried, so I thought I’d pop in and reassure you I’m okay.”

Myla’s gaze shoots to mine. “You did this?”

“Stress causes wrinkles, and you’re too pretty to age prematurely,” I kid.

“God, you’re a dick. But I love you.” She moves from Tinleigh’s arms to mine. “Thank you.”

“No problem, short stuff.” I release her and give Tinleigh a chin tip. “I’ll let you guys talk. Just come find me when you’re ready to go home.”

Leaving the room, I feel good. Not only did I get a chance to hang out with Tinleigh, but now Myla won’t be stressed. Two birds, one biker.

I head to the security room, where I find Golden, the club’s treasurer, and Tobi, a prospect. All of us Sons take turns working shifts here, researching clients and protecting our employees. Most of the time, just having us walk around keeps everyone in line, but occasionally, someone thinks they’re above acting gentlemanly, and we have to step in.

“How’s it going?” I ask, taking a seat in one of the swivel chairs.

“Quiet this morning,” Golden says, his leg bouncing. “What’s up with you? You aren’t working today.”

“Nah, just came to deliver Fiona a present.” I use her working name so as not to confuse him. “I have to be at the Garage later, but I’ll hang out until then.”

Along with security shifts here, I’ve been working at the Garage since I was sixteen. Both Rigger and I started out cleaning up the shop at the end of each day, slowly learning the ins and outs of car repair until we knew our shit enough to work on cars and bikes.

The only club business venture I don’t have a hand in is Dope since Bones, the club doctor, doesn’t like people fucking with his weed. He brings a prospect in to work the front counter, but other than that, he runs it alone.

“What kind of present?” Golden asks, an edge to his tone.

I clamp a hand on his shoulder, grinning. “Always thinking the worst of me.”

“Have you given me a reason not to?”

“Fair point.” Of all my brothers, I’m the one who pushes the boundaries the most. Though after all the shit Rigger went through with Navy, he might’ve taken that honor. I turn to Tobi. “Hey, kid. Why don’t you do a perimeter check?”

“Yeah, sure.” He jumps to his feet and dashes out of the room like a good little prospect should.

“Think he’ll make the cut?” I ask when he’s out of earshot.

“Yeah, he’s a good kid. Young, though. I wonder if we’re doing right by him.”

“That’s the dad in you coming out.”

“Probably,” he sighs.

Out of all the ranking members, Golden is the only one with a kid. The mom isn’t in the picture, never has been, leaving Golden to raise the kid all on his own. It’s why he’s so high-strung. Kids’ll do that, I guess.

“You want to see Tyson patched in someday?”

“Honestly, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop him. You see how he is with you guys; he thinks y’all hung the moon.” His leg bounces faster. “But if I had a say in it, this wouldn’t be the life I want for him.”

“I get that, but you know if he chooses this, we got his back. Same way we got yours, brother.”

He huffs. “Good thing I have twelve more years to come to terms with it. Now tell me what you did for Fiona, and does it have anything to do with the outing you went on with Dutch last night?”

“You heard about that?” I gather my hair up into a low bun.