“Jesus, Tinleigh. You’re gonna kill me.” His cock swells impossibly bigger, throbbing inside me seconds before he grunts and fills me with his hot cum.
His eyes close as he slides languidly in and out, his muscles twitching. There’s a pool of fluids under my ass that I don’t know how we’ll explain, but right now, I don’t even care.
“Don’t pull out,” I say, straightening my legs and tugging him down on top of me. “Please.”
“Fuckin’ gladly.” He rolls us to our sides, hiking my thigh on his hip to keep us joined. My head rests on his arm, and I breathe him in, not wanting this moment to ever end.
My exhaustion hits me like a brick wall, and the rise and fall of his chest under my hand relaxes me even more. Just like that, I’m drifting off. He must fall asleep too because we’re startled awake by a pounding on the door. It feels like minutes later, but since the room is now bathed in sun, that can’t be true.
“Let’s ride,” someone shouts through the door.
“Shit.” Lucky starts to roll onto his back until he realizes that his cock is still nestled inside me when it twitches. “Shit.”
“What time is it?”
“Don’t know. My phone’s over there.”
“Please tell me we have time for a shower.”
His nose wrinkles as he pulls our sticky bits apart. “I’m thinking that’s non-negotiable.”
“I think you’re right. Come on.”
“You go ahead. I’ll get in after you.” When he notices my disappointment, he tacks on, “If I get in the shower with you, the same thing will happen that got us into this mess.”
I grin and get out of bed. “Okay.”
I’m almost to the bathroom when I hear him ask, “Does it hurt?”
He means my ass that he’s no doubt looking at as I walk away. I realize that just because I had this life-altering epiphany last night, it doesn’t mean he’s over it yet. I don’t know how it would make me feel if the roles were reversed, and I hope I never have to.
“No,” I assure him, and it’s true. The stinging from the initial puncture went away as soon as they scabbed over, not even two hours later. I can say a lot of shit about Jeremiah, but I can’t deny he knew what he was doing. He used just enough force to puncture the skin but not enough to cause any major injury. Had he wanted to, he could’ve turned my ass into minced meat.
I’m not sure if that makes me feel better or not.
“But it did at the time?”
He’s getting worked up again, and that won’t do either of us any good. “Not really. He was more into impact than injury.” When I see the look of confusion on his face, I expand. “He seemed to get off on scaring me, not hurting me.”
“Doesn’t make it any better.”
“No, but thanks to you, we don’t have to even think about him anymore.”
“You saved yourself,” he says.
“But if you hadn’t shown up, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity. It was a team effort.” I walk back over and hold my hand up. His beard twitches where it’s covering the corner of his mouth, and he slaps my hand. “Go us.”
There’s another pounding on the door. “Burning daylight here.”
We return to the compound after the best ride of my life. My ass is sore, and my entire lower body is numb, but I had my girl pressed against my back for eight hours and was surrounded by my brothers after a successful rescue mission. Can’t think of one thing better.
Well, maybe I can, but I need to regain feeling in my lower half for this day to end perfectly.
Tinleigh’s barely off the bike before she’s running inside. I don’t take it personally. No one, not even me, can take the place of her twin, and it’s been a rough few days for both of them.