Page 115 of Lucky's Trouble

“Look what the cat dragged in!” Bones bellows, stepping outside with Judge following behind. They wanted to come with us, but we needed Judge to make sure things were okay here, and Bones needed to keep a close eye on Myla.

“Things must’ve gone smoothly. I saw a flash of blonde and pink run by,” Judge says.

“As good as we could’ve hoped. Tinleigh’s safe, Jeremiah’s with the Reaper, and we all made it home in one piece. Well, except for Raunchy. Bullet took a chunk out of his calf, but he’ll live.” I pull a rope of licorice out of my cut and take a big bite. I’ve been so stressed out that I couldn’t even enjoy my favorite candy. “Things here okay? How’s Myla?”

“She’s—” His lips pull back as he searches for an answer. “Angry, I guess, but physically, she’s healing.”

I can’t picture what an angry Myla looks like. An image of a kitten hissing comes to mind. Try as she might to sound tough, she’s still a cute kitten.

“Tinleigh will get her through,” I say.

Dutch walks over with Pet. I nearly forgot we were bringing home a stray.

“Who’s this?” Judge asks. Pet just stares at the ground, her arms wrapped around herself.

“Jeremiah had three other women there,” I say in a hushed tone. “Two decided to stay. This one made a smarter choice.”

Judge mouths an “Oh.”

“What’s your name, darlin’?” Bones asks, getting the same non-reaction.

“She ain’t talkin’,” Dutch says. “Not yet, anyway.”

“Why don’t you take her over to Sugar’s place?” Mustang suggests. “She might be more comfortable there.”

“Smart.” Dutch walks inside, his little duckling following close behind.

“Do we know what we’re doing with her?” Judge asks.

“Nope.” Cy’s gruff voice sounds behind me, and I turn to see him walking funny.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I chuckle.

“Watch your mouth, young man. In a few more years, you’ll know what it feels like for an old man to take a long ride.”

“A few years? More like twenty.” I playfully punch him in the chest.

Char and Navy come barreling out of the clubhouse, and Char leaps into Cy’s arms, nearly knocking him over in his weakened state.

“I missed you, baby.” She grabs both sides of his head and plants kisses all over his face, leaving her mark in red lipstick. He grabs handfuls of her ass and carries her back inside, no doubt taking her right to his cabin. He could be on his deathbed and still scrounge up the energy to fuck his much younger wife.

In a different greeting, Rigger catches his girl by throwing a shoulder into her gut, forcing an “Oof” out of her before tossing her over his shoulder. Without a word, they also disappear inside. I can’t even say shit because the entire house heard Tinleigh and my performance in the early hours of the morning, and I haven’t heard the end of it since.

“Where’d Riot disappear to?” Bones asks. “I saw him get off his bike.”

“Don’t know.” I look around. “Must’ve gone to his place to catch up on all the emo shit he missed while we were gone.”

“Is Tyson here?” Golden asks, walking over to join in the conversation.

“I think Chap took him to the park to burn off some energy, knowing you’d be tired.”

“Who told her to do that?”

Chap, or Chaplain if you’re calling her by her full name, has been around the club for years. When all the shit was going down with our traitorous ex-prez, we knew her as one of the good-time girls. During the week, she was in school to become a teacher, but on the weekends, she liked to party with us. Then she took a job as a nanny for a Royal Bastard named Coyote and his ol’ lady, and we didn’t see her much anymore.

That is until Golden registered Ty for kindergarten a few months ago, and lo and behold, Chaplain is Ty’s new teacher. It’s incestuous, really. School’s been in session for a month or so now, and somehow, she ended up babysitting the kid now and then, even though Golden’s a straight-up dick to her, which I don’t understand because he’s nice to everyone.

“Don’t bust her balls over it.” I smack him upside the head, even though he and I are pretty evenly matched in size. “It was a nice thing to do.”