“I’m forty years young, nearly twice your age.”
I’m taken aback. The man looks good, not a day over thirty. “I wouldn’t have guessed that.”
“Vitamin E oil, that’s the trick.” He stands. “Like I said, Mother Nature gave us all we need. Now, let’s go find that man of yours.”
“Oh, he’s not my—”
He cuts me off with a laugh. “Keep telling yourself that.”
“Heard you’re hiding away a girl.” Sugar leans over the bar.
I scowl, adding packets of sugar to my coffee. “Not hiding her away.”
“But there is a girl?”
“Yeah,” I say, stirring.
Mornings around here are chill. With a lot of the brothers off at their respective jobs, the ones who aren’t are served breakfast and coffee by Sugar. Yeah, we’re grown men who can take care of ourselves, but why would we when she actually likes doing this kind of shit for us?
Years back, Mustang’s mom fell victim to an abusive boyfriend. When Mustang got word, he gathered a few of us up, and we got her out of that situation, taught her douchebag ex a lesson he won’t forget. After that, she moved in here and never left. Now the club pays her for all the shit she does—cooking, cleaning, and keeping the club sluts in line.
“Ha! The playboy met his match.” She grins.
“Why am I the playboy? I don’t fuck around any more than some of the other guys.”
Sugar’s gaze shifts to the back door, and her face falls. Fuck. Of course Tinleigh would walk in right now.
“She’s right there, isn’t she?” I say lowly.
“Sure is.” Her smile returns, though this time it’s fake. “Hey, you must be the girl my boy can’t stop talking about. Come on over and take a seat. I’ll get you some breakfast and coffee.”
I swivel on my stool, not surprised when I see hurt on Tinleigh’s face. There’s no way Myla didn’t tell her about my past, but that’s different than walking in on a conversation like that. We’ve been so busy putting out major fires the last couple of days that we haven’t had time to talk about the small stuff. But it’s coming.
“Thanks,” she says, sitting down, not on the stool next to me, but one down.
Sugar sets a plate in front of her and a coffee mug. “I’m Lisa, but everyone calls me Sugar.”
“Tinleigh. And thank you. This looks good.”
“No problem.” She pours Tinleigh a steaming mug of coffee. “Now I have some dishes to do. Just holler if you need anything else.”
“What about me?” Bones whines.
Sugar hands him a thermos of coffee. “Like you’d eat any of this anyway.”
“I’d still like an offer.”
“I don’t have time for your shit.” She shoos him away. “Be gone.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Bones turns to us. “She’s right. I’ve got to get over to Dope. Tinleigh, I’ll get your number from Lucky and text you later with that appointment.”
“Thank you for everything.” She smiles at him, and it’s genuine. Fucker went and charmed her.
“Anytime.” He winks at her, and I growl, earning me a laugh from him. “Put your dick away, playboy. Tinleigh is my patient.”