He watched me as I drank, the way a wolf watched a deer, observing, waiting for that one perfect moment to pounce. The look sent a throb of desire straight through my centre and I couldn’t resist a second swallow before he pulled the glass away.

Raising it up to his mouth, he downed the hard alcohol and placed the tumbler back on the table.

This was my chance, my one and only chance to slink away with my tail between my legs. I knew it was time to go, but I was captivated. Hypnotised by the sight of a single drop of amber rolling down his chin and my body wouldn’t obey my commands anymore. The sight of him brushing that drop of whiskey away with his thumb, then sucking the pad clean, was the sexiest damn thing I’ve ever seen.

Forcing a dry swallow, I scrambled to regain my composure. “C-c-can I… I mean, will there be anything else, Sir?”

The Senator reached down and fingered the fastenings of his chinos. His eyes flashed like sunlight dancing on blue ice. “Mmm… Yes. There is just one more thing.”

I averted my eyes, the sound of the zip cascading over me like ice water as I looked for something, anything, that might otherwise require my attention. “I’ll fetch you a girl.”


My mouth felt drier than the desert. “Bu-but what am I-”

“I want you, Kora.”

“Please, Senator.” My heart was beating so hard I could barely speak. “I’m only a maiden. I’m not allowed to-”

“Are you talking back to me? Look at me!” His voice did not raise with the command, but the sudden delicious harshness was as dangerous as it was irresistible. My eyes swivelled obediently, the view that greeted me sending a spike through my centre to my clit. “I said, I want you. You did this to me, so it’s only right you should attend to my little problem.” Except there was nothing little about his problem.

I did that?

There was at least six inches of stiff cock rising out of the fist curled around its root and midsection, ending in a cut crown that was shiny with pre-cum and flushed a vivid purple.

I’m no virgin. I’ve seen my share of dicks, and learned to enjoy the bodies attached, but they had been mere boys.

Senator Sharpe was a man with a man’s cock. All ten inches of it!

The sight of it made me forget we were right in the middle of the most exclusive club in New York, surrounded by some of the richest and most influential people in the world.

Sweeping my tongue across my dry lips, I reached out. Heat radiated off him, and I could practically feel his pulse pounding as I touched a finger to the place just beneath his broad crest. Jesus, he was hard, but also soft, like steel wrapped in warm silk. And hot, so fucking hot.

A good maiden should always attend to the members’ needs.

“That’s it, Kora…” That wasn’t my name, not my legal name anyway, but the pained ecstasy in his tone, the sheer wanton restraint, had goosebumps rising all across my body and drew my gaze up to his. The heat in his eyes told me all. He wanted me. Wanted all of me to possess and dominate. And he could take me. He knew I was his, whether I would admit it or not.

Holding his gaze, I bowed my head, his heady flavour spilling over my taste buds as I curled my tongue around that thick crown and took him into my mouth. However, the senator’s only response was to arch his brow, that granite jaw locked in a silent challenge.

I gladly accepted. Heart pounding, I mouthed the plush head, sucking and drinking up the heady salty goodness of his pre-cum.

Still, he gave no outward sign, but I could feel the tension amassing within him, the pressure building as his cock grew thicker, harder within my mouth, so I kicked things up a notch. I sank to my knees between his. Placing both my hands on his trouser clad thighs, the muscles beneath bunching at my touch, I pivoted so he could see himself bulging against the inside of my cheek and dragged my mouth down the right side of his shaft, down to where his hand still grasped it, offering himself to me. I teased my tongue around the whitening knuckles, then came slowly back up his left flank before taking him into my mouth.

There was movement on the very edge of my vision, and it gave me a perverse thrill to know that the people around were starting to take notice. I glimpsed them nudging and gesturing, shifting to get a better view. They were attempting to be subtle about it, but made little real effort to hide their interest.

I was beyond caring. I have always loved giving head. Loved the thrill of having so much power over people so much stronger than me and making them come undone. It was a potent mix, intoxicating. Swept along by the heat of the moment and drawn in the eroticism that the senator seemed to radiate, my only thought was on the task. I didn’t care who saw, who watched. I wanted to beat this man, this titan. I wanted to shatter his control, break his willpower, and make him cum in my mouth.

I’d wanted to take him all in, but there was just too much of him. He was too big to deep throat- just the head seemed to fill my mouth to the brim- so I teased between going fast and slow, sucking him in as deep as I dared before pulling back.

“Oh, fuck…” His low, almost edgy groan was music to my ears and my neglected pussy pulsed and burned in wanton need as his fingers threaded through my hair, fisting and forcing me back down.

He held me there, his hips churning up, fucking my mouth with the savage intensity I had only ever fantasised about. Hot, salty tears burned my eyes. I couldn’t breathe, he was going too deep, had me forced down so far my nose was nestled in the nest of dark curls, but I couldn’t have cared less.

Then I felt the rush of victory as, with a ragged groan and a penetrating thrust that took him all the way into my throat, he came.

He came hard.

Unable to pull away with the Senator’s white knuckled grip forcing me down, I sucked him greedily, drinking every hot creamy shot. I kept on sucking even after he had spilled everything he had to give, milking him for all he was worth.