The look immediately sent a hot shiver through my centre. At the same time, I quelled under his gaze, shrinking until I felt only an inch tall.

His penitent stare.

I’d seen that look before, dozens of times, in fact.

His instakill. The devastating look he reserved for journalists that asked him ridiculous questions. It always made for damn good television, but I never thought I’d find that look directed at me. It was ridiculously hot.

Forcing a dry swallow that rasped my throat all the way down, I presented my tray to him. “Y-your drink, Sir… Scotch on the ro-”

“You’re new.” It wasn’t a question, merely a statement of an obvious fact.

I nearly jumped out of my skin as his low growl thrummed through me. “Yes! I mean… Yes, sir.” I looked away, heat burning my cheeks- and other places further south.

Jeez, his voice couldn’t sound any more made for fuckin’ if it came with a side of strawberries and cream for dippin’.

He had the sexiest voice. Low and gravely but with a flowing command that had been forged on the playing fields of Eton or Oxford. The sort of voice that could inspire fear, demand respect, or reduce a poor, sex-starved girl to a puddle of wanton horniness with just a word. It was the voice in all my fantasies, the one I heard ordering me to cum for him.

Yet here he was silent.

Fighting to control the hot pulsing turning my knees to jelly, I slowly raised my eyes back up. He was still watching me, his eyes a hard icy blue, baleful and intense against the surrounding shadow. He was watching me, raking me from head to toe, studying me the way the wolf studied its prey, judging whether the meal would be worth the effort, before exploding into a run after the bunny.

He held my gaze for a moment, and I felt like he was looking into me, through me. Then he shifted, leaning forward so slowly I felt my breath catch as the shadow was peeled back.

Oh… My… God…

It wasn’t a kind face. Nothing about Senator Richard Sharpe could ever be called kind. No, it was as hard and jagged as obsidian, a broad chunk of rock that a master mason had chiselled into a work of art. With that square jaw rough with stubble, sharp nose, wicked twist of a mouth, and raven black hair just that bit too long, he looked more like a soldier of fortune than a paper-pushing bureaucrat. And all the sexier for it.

I struggled to keep my nerve as his eyes raked over me with more interest than could ever be considered appropriate in the outside world.

But here, anything goes.

“Has anyone claimed you yet?” He asked it as calmly as he would enquire about the weather.

“What, no!” I exclaimed quickly, too quickly. “I mean, no Sir they haven’t.” Feeling the heat returning to my face, I placed the Senator’s whisky on his table. “I’m not-”

“Such a waste.” The Senator rose to his feet like a cobra rearing from the grass to loom over me.

So big… he never looked this impressive on TV.

Ignoring the drink I’d just laid down for him, he stepped around me, his eyes scorching lines of fire that seemed to burn through my already skimpy uniform as they took me in from head to toe again. Then he did the unthinkable and gently touched his hand to the base of my back.


“Senator… I… I…” I stammered, not sure what to say, barely even able to form words. Fire and electricity crackled at his touch, raising a rush of gooseflesh where our skins touched. Lush heat ignited and pooled in my centre.

No, this wasn’t right. I couldn’t let this go on. I mustn’t. Club rules may be lax as far as the members were concerned, but for the staff, and in particular the maidens, they were very strict.

“You take good care of yourself.” Another statement. His fingers brushed gently up my spine, then slid just under my ribs as he continued walking around me. My legs quickly turned to jelly under his scrutiny. I knew I needed to put some distance between me and this man, but my body refused to move as he stroked that place just below my left breast.

“I-I try, Sir,” I forced out, my throat thick and uncooperative as I tried to restrain the moan that wanted to burst free as he drew closer and closer. “Please… Senator… I…”

To my surprise, and considerable disappointment, his hand suddenly dropped away, and he slid back into his chair with all the panther-like grace with which he had arisen from it, before taking up his drink and holding it out to me. “Here. Drink with me.”

“Oh! Err, no Sir, I’m not supposed to-”

“I wasn’t asking.” He dismissed my refusal by pressing the glass up to my lips. “Drink.”

Fingers shaking, I accept the drink, sipping it cautiously. I wasn’t much of a drinker, even on nights out I’d only stuck to the fruity, colourful, girly cocktails, and it was all I could do not to gag. The whiskey burned like fire all the way down, the taste strong but smoky and not at all unpleasant.