“Two months ago!” I snapped, raising the pistol so the business end pointed straight for the giant’s torso. “A boy was murdered here! Did you, do it?”

“You talking crazy girl!” one of the men shouted, but I didn’t look at him. My eyes were set on the giant. He looked too calm, like he didn’t care, but his eyes. They burned with fury. I had drawn a gun on him and that enraged him. How dare I; this was his neighbourhood, his street, and I had the nerve to pull a piece. Good, let the bastard squirm, he should know what it felt like. He’d made David suffer in the worst possible ways. Well, I would make him pay. For my brother.

“What makes you think we had anything to do with it?” Another voice shouted. The black guy, I guessed. Good, none of his friends were coming to help him, he was alone, and he didn’t like it.

“It happened here in your neighbourhood.”

“Bitch, please! That was talk. Just talk. We had nothing to do with it.”

“Yea, po-po would have been all over us.”

“Bullshit!” I spat it out, all ice and fire. They did it. I knew they did. They murdered my brother!

“Yea, it’s bullshit, sweetheart” the giant growled.

“You killed him?”

“Yea. Little cunt wouldn’t shut his fucking mouth, so I opened his throat. Whatcha gonna do about it? Shoot me?”


“Bitch, you ain't got the minerals.” He laughed, a deep grizzled laugh that sent ice straight through my belly. “Go on then, blow me away in cold blood. They’ll stick a mad ho like you in some dyke slam to eat fanny for twenty years. Bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you, all the pussy you can eat. They’ll be lining up to get a piece of you. So, go ahead if you’re serious, shoot me, shoot me, shoot-”

I pulled the trigger.

I had expected a bang, for the Browning to kick back as they did in the movies. But all that came out was a click. A dull metallic click no louder than a whisper, but at that moment it bellowed like a clap of thunder.

Ice rushed through my veins. My eyes dropped to the pistol, then back up to the giant and I tried again. And again.


He smiled, a cruel twisted thing, like barbed wire wound into knots across his face. “Works better with the safety off.”

He grabbed the Browning, his immense paw encompassing the barrel, and wrenched it out of my hand.

I didn’t have time to scream. One moment I’d been standing there, the next I’d been pressed up against a wall, hard enough to drive the breath from my lungs, with one of them driving his arms against my neck while the others pawed at my clothes.

Panic and bile leapt into my throat. Gasping, fighting for breath, I tried to push the arm away, but the giant thwarted my efforts and pinned my arms above my head. He applied just enough pressure for my joints to scream in protest, and for a single heart-stopping moment, I thought he might break both my arms.

No, this can’t be happening. Hot angry tears burned my eyes, yet I fought the pain that seared up my arms and lashed out. My knee hit something soft, and one of them grunted and cursed for his balls. I would have laughed, but I was too swamped with the instinctive need to flee, to escape, to make that desperate break for it.

The fight left me however when a titanic force slammed into my stomach. I went limp, the pain enough that I would have doubled over, but the restraining arm held me where I was.

“Hold still you little bitch.” A voice hissed. “The more you resist, the worse this gets for you.”

A roll of duct tape appeared, and a hand wound the binding round and round my wrists, to the point all circulation was cut off and my fingers began to tingle.

The giant stepped in to dominate my view, my father’s Browning raised and pointed at my face. “Go on, look. Look down the barrel, you see the bullet?”

I could. The muzzle was black, much too dark to see down. But I could see the bullet well enough all the same.

“Answer me, can you see it?”

“Yes.” And so much more.

I could smell the gun pounder, filling my nostrils in thick grey clouds, acrid and pungent against the night air. I heard the bang of the shot, saw my head snap back, my face a ruin. And red, so much red. Red smoke, red pulp and bone, a red cloud, and red blood everywhere.

“Good now open wide. I want you to suck it. Come on, suck it.”