A part of me tried to be brave, screamed for me to tell them to go to hell and then shut my mouth tight. But the fear pulsed through me, making me shake, and hot tears rolled down my cheeks as, bit by bit, my mouth opened.

“Yeah, good girl. Your brother was an obedient bitch too. I fucked him bloody then handed him round to the rest of the boys, and when they were done, I cut his throat. If he hadn’t been such a good little whore, I’d have cut his dick off and fed it to him. And if you try to run, I’ll cut your tits off and-”

A deep growl rumbled through the night.

“What the fuck?” The giant lurched back and through the tears, I saw a dog coming towards us. A very big dog. All black and shaggy, like a Game of Thrones Direwolf, only not quite so cute and cuddly.

And I was almost positive it was looking at me. Then, it dipped its head, ears pricked, and fur raised, and growled another warning. It reverberated off the brick walls and shivered through flesh and bone.

“What’s that?” one man asked, fear evident in his voice as he sized up the canine.

“Just a mutt,” the giant shrugged, surveying the dog warily before turning his icy glare back to me. I shrunk under his gaze. “What, you’d pass up this fine piece of ass just because a mangy stray barks at ya a little.”

“Well, that’s a pretty big fucking stray, mate. Jesus, look at those teeth…”

The dog snapped a warning and the black guy turned and ran, tripping and stumbling over his own feet as he went.

“All right, that thing is starting to piss me off,” Web turned to the two remaining men. “Del! Jake! Skin the fucker.”

They both looked at each other, sharing a look like they were about to piss themselves there and then. Then they nodded and turned to the dog. I saw a flash of silver as they pulled flick knives from the depths of their coats.

I couldn’t look, couldn’t watch them butcher the poor creature. I could hear the dog growling and the men’s footsteps echoing, then silence. No howls or moans of agony from the dog as it was murdered. No grunts and growls from the men as they got off on killing my canine defender. Just an eerie quiet.

The silence cut deeper than their knives ever could. And it was almost a relief when the two thuds, the unmistakable sound of bodies hitting the ground-

Wait, two thuds?

I opened my eyes and could only stare at Del and Jake’s dismembered bodies lying on the ground, pools of blood spreading out around them. But there was no dog.

Lucian stood over them, his pitiless eyes fixed on the giant.

And I don’t know if I should laugh or scream.

“What the fuck?” The big man stuttered, his voice warbling in terror as he moved away from me, releasing his grip on my wrists. Visibly shaking, he turned my father’s Browning on Lucian. “Bastard!”

My screams mingled with the crack of the shots as bloody mists burst from Lucian’s back. The first should have killed him. It went clean through his heart. The second and third took him in the gut. Yet Lucian remained standing, taking each hit without so much as a grunt. Shot after shot, bullet by bullet.

“Jesus Christ, what the hell are you?” Eyes bright with panic, the giant stepped forward and cupped the pistol in both hands, raising it up for a finishing shot like they did in the movies.

It happened almost too quickly for the eye to see. One moment Lucian had been standing there, dark and pale and devastatingly intense and handsome. Out of reach and without a hope of dodging the shot. Then the Browning was arcing through the air, along with one of the hands that grasped it.

And Lucian stood over the giant.

Say what you like about undead fiends, no one can accuse me of not being a vampire of my word.

I didn't bother to pretend I was not enjoying myself. There was something so very satisfying in being the servant of justice.

Seizing the paretic piece of filth by the scruff of the neck, I heaved him up one handed. Big and brawny, he must have weighed more than 18 stone of pure muscle, but in my grasp, he was little more than a child. His remaining hand fumbled for his knife, but it was of little consequence. That butter knife would have served him no better than it had his dead friends.

“W-w-what are you?” he choked out the words.

The stain of blood was thick in the air, and I knew I should feed while there was still some life in his veins, but the thought of feeding on that. It was enough to turn the stomach.

“I’m hungry.”

His eyes widening, Web screamed and the metallic scent teasing my fangs was suddenly cut by acid. He’d pissed himself.

One swipe was all it took. The screams died in a gurgle as I tore out his throat and dumped his carcass to the ground, to rot with the rest of the filth.