The NFL representative gave Lucca a Jaguars jersey with his name on it. “Congratulations, Lucca. We’re told that you wanted to say something?”
“Thank you, Chris.” Lucca stared into the camera. “Torr, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don’t want to live without you.” He got down on one knee.
Torr grabbed Maddy’s arm. “Oh, shit.”
“Torr Atkins. Will you marry me?” Lucca held out a box with a large diamond ring inside.
The camera live-filming in the gym zoomed in on Torr.
She stood pale and frozen with her mouth hanging open.
Maddy elbowed her, and when she turned and looked at Maddy, she whispered, “Answer him.”
“Oh!” She looked at the camera. “Yes, I’ll marry you!”
Everyone cheered, while Torr still appeared shocked.
Lucca grinned. “Wait for me, baby, and I’ll be home soon to put this ring on your finger.”
As the announcer moved on to the next draft pick, Maddy, Torr, and the guys left the gym.
When they reached their cars, Maddy turned to Torr, who appeared pale and dazed. “Do you want us to drive you home?”
She blinked a few times. “Huh?”
“She’s in shock,” Jace said.
Maddy nodded. “I’ll drive her home. Can you follow behind in the Jeep?”
“Sure, baby.” Jace kissed Maddy goodbye.
Maddy drove Torr home, laughing to herself as her friend just stared out the windshield.
At Torr’s house, Maddy walked her up to the front door.
Her mother opened it as they reached the top step, her eyebrows pinched in concern. “Did something happen to Torr?”
“Umm… She’s in a bit of shock.” Maddy nervously shuffled from foot to foot. “Did you watch the draft?”
“Yes, I saw your brother’s proposal. We knew it was coming.” A pleased smile spread over her face. “He asked Torr’s father for permission before he left for the draft.”
Torr’s head snapped up. “You knew? I was scared to tell you, and you knew? I didn’t think you liked him.”
“What’s not to love?” Her chin started wobbling. “Oh, honey, you’re our only child, and of course, no one will be good enough for you. Especially if he’s taking my baby to Florida.”
Torr burst into tears and fell into her mother’s arms, and Maddy quietly headed to the Jeep waiting for her at the curb.
* * *
When they got home from dropping off Torr, they lounged in the living room.
“How do you feel about Lucca heading off to Florida?” Ryder asked.
“It’s where he wanted to go, so I’m happy for him.” She smiled. “I hate that it’s so far away, but I’m sure we’ll still see each other.”
“Would you want to move there?” Jace wondered.
“Not without you guys. You have to go to school here, and your family is close by.” She cocked an eyebrow. “Why? Do you want to get rid of me?”