Everyone glanced at Ryder, who had fallen asleep despite the commotion around him.
“Skylar, why don’t you take Maddy home?” Cody suggested. “I’ll stay here with Ryder.”
He saluted his brother. “Will do.”
Cody kissed Maddy goodbye, and Skylar wheeled her out to the Jeep.
Lucca walked out with them. “I’ll try to stop by before I have to leave for the draft.”
“You don’t have to.” Maddy gave her brother an apologetic smile. “I don’t even know what team you want to play for.”
He ducked his head. “I always wanted to play for the Jacksonville Jaguars, but they’re so far away from Georgia.”
“If you get drafted by them, then we’ll make it work.” She pulled him down for a hug.
Skylar and Jace wished Lucca good luck, then they got her into the Jeep and took off for home.
Maddy woke up the day after returning home from the hospital with her leg on fire. There was no way she’d be able to make it to class, and with the threat of expulsion looming over her head if she missed any more days, she called her school counselor for advice.
There, she received a spot of good news.
While she was past the deadline to withdraw from classes, the university made exceptions for medical emergencies.
After she sent in a note from her doctor, she was able to drop her classes and take medical leave until next year, which would give her the summer to decide what she wanted to do with her life.
Since she had free time, she texted Janet to see if she could audit two of her classes, which Janet was happy to approve. While Maddy wouldn’t get credits, she’d still get to learn more about baking.
She spent the next few days resting, and after day three, she could walk without her crutches, though it would take a little longer for the stitches to dissolve.
When the day of the draft arrived, excitement filled the air.
Since a few team members were in the draft this year, the school opened the gym for family members who didn’t want to drive to Las Vegas to watch in person. They folded the stadium seats up and lined up chairs on the floor. On the far wall, they set up a large projection of the draft on one wall, and off to the left side was a TV crew.
Maddy wasn’t sure how she felt about being on national TV, and Torr was a nervous wreck. Yesterday, she’d made Maddy visit a salon for a day of pampering so they could look their best.
Maddy, Torr, and the guys sat in the front row beside Ace’s parents.
“The Jaguars are next. Lucca really wants to go there,” Torr gushed as she rubbed her hands down her dress.
Maddy glanced at her. “Are you going to move with him?”
“Yeah, I am.” Torr nervously picked at her skirt. “I haven’t told my parents yet, but I think they’ve already guessed.”
On the projection screen, the NFL representative walked to the center of the stage in Vegas.
The gym fell so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
He gazed out over the gathered players. “The Jacksonville Jaguars first-round pick is… Lucca “Crusher” Cardone.”
As the people in the gym leaped up from their seats, going nuts, the camera in Las Vegas panned to Lucca to show his teammates celebrating with him.
He walked up onto the stage in Vegas, and the image on the TV screen switched to the gym. The cheers around Maddy rose in volume as the camera swept over the gym, then stopped on her and Torr.
Torr held up the sign she made that said, I love you.