“Dammit, Ryder, they already told you once to keep that damn mask on,” Cody said angrily.
Ryder stuck his tongue out at Cody before settling the mask back over his nose and mouth.
“Listen to what the doctor says, Ryder. I want you back home.” She patted Ryder’s hand, then looked at Skylar. “How did Amber’s appointment go?”
With Amber nearing her due date, she’d been demanding a lot more of Skylar’s time. They’d had an appointment to check for dilation yesterday, while Ryder and Maddy were at the gallery setting up.
A beautiful smile spread over Skylar’s lips. “My baby boy is healthy. He’s just taking his time entering the world.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “And…um…Amber had me over for dinner after.”
“You don’t need to look nervous about that, Skylar.” Jace touched Skylar’s arm. “It’s something we need to get used to. Amber is going to be in our lives now.”
“Jace is right,” Cody said. “I just hope my nephew is nothing like you when you were young.”
Skylar rolled his eyes.
Ryder’s door slammed open, and Cody and Skylar both jumped in front of Maddy.
“Where’s my sister?” Lucca said from the door.
Maddy stuck her arm in the air to be seen past her protective men. “I’m right here, Lucca.”
Cody and Skylar parted to let Lucca through.
His eyes widened at the sight of her in the wheelchair. “What happened? Why didn’t someone call me? I stopped by to see if you needed anything before the show and found the place turned to charcoal.”
Maddy explained what had happened and how she got injured when she climbed out that tiny window to run for help. “It was Mike.”
“You can’t be sure,” Lucca said, clearly agitated. “It could have been poor wiring or anything else that started that fire.”
“It’s his MO,” Maddy said, not understanding Lucca’s resistance to believe her. “He did the same thing to Crumbs. And there was the apartment fire.”
“The fire marshal said it didn’t look like a normal fire, either,” Jace stated again.
Cody frowned at Lucca. “It’s starting to sound like you’re afraid to go after Mike.”
Lucca stepped toe to toe with Cody. “I’m not afraid of him.”
“Then, what is it, Lucca?” Maddy asked. “Why haven’t we gone after him?”
“We don’t know where he is, for one.” He stepped away from Cody and rubbed the back of his neck. “And we’re spread thin right now. It’s like every gang or crew who has been working smoothly for the last several years are now having problems. With the football draft only days away, I can’t do shit because I have reporters on my ass day and night.”
“What about Uncle Sal?” Maddy questioned.
Lucca pouted.
“You didn’t want to ask him for help because it would make you appear weak,” Jace said.
“Yeah, it’s stupid, I know. I’ll ask for help.” Lucca rubbed his nose. “I’m sorry you had to get hurt again for me to stop being a baby about it.”
Cody cursed. “You should be. Your sister’s in the hospital for the second time because of him, and we almost lost part of our family.”
Maddy grabbed Cody’s hand and squeezed it. “It’s fine. Both Ryder and I are alive. But I feel bad for the people we rented the space from, though. Their building was destroyed.”
“Don’t feel too bad. It’s Lucca’s building.” Cody hooked a thumb toward her brother.
He shrugged and held up his hands. “It was empty, and I didn’t know what to do with it. Now, it will have to be torn down, and I’ll put something else up.”
“We should leave and let Ryder get some rest,” Skylar said quietly.