“Please, tell me you’re leaving town,” Amber said snidely from behind her.
Maddy’s good mood soured as she turned to face the woman and her friends. “Are you following me, Amber? You seem to pop up everywhere I am.”
“Like I’d want to follow someone so boring.” She laughed with her friends.
“She’s going shopping for the baby,” said one of her friends.
Maddy glared at Amber. “You’ll never pin this kid on Skylar.”
“I don’t need to pin anything. It’s his,” she seethed as she leaned in closer to Maddy. “He’s going to see what a good mother I am, and then he’s going to leave you.”
Maddy shook her head. “You’re delusional if you think he’s going to leave me just because you’re having his kid.”
“We’ll see.” She smiled and walked away with her friends huddled around her.
“Argh, I hate that bitch. Don’t listen to her, Maddy.” Torr tried to calm her down.
Maddy tried, but it was like Amber knew her biggest fear.
“Let’s buy this suitcase.” Torr grabbed the handle and wheeled it toward the register. “Then I can take it to the car and meet you back here.”
Maddy walked with her to the register and paid. “Thanks, Torr. I just need a minute.”
Torr smiled at her and wheeled the suitcase away.
While she was gone, Maddy headed to the bathroom, taking the last stall.
She heard the door open and shoes clacking on the floor. “I think you got to her, Amber.”
Maddy froze, not wanting to give away her presence.
“Are you sure that it’s his?” another asked.
“It’s either his or Scott’s.” Amber didn’t sound concerned. “Either way, I’m going to make sure Skylar believes it’s his.”
“He’s not stupid,” her friend said. “He’ll ask for a DNA test.”
“I know, Brittney.” The sound of the faucet running filled the bathroom. “I have a plan for that.”
That bitch! Maddy was going to destroy her.
They finished freshening up and left the bathroom.
Maddy waited a few minutes before she exited her stall to ensure they wouldn’t still be right by the door when she left, then washed her hands.
Her mind whirled as she walked out of the bathroom and headed back to the luggage store. She needed to tell Skylar what she had just heard. He needed to demand a DNA test right now.
Maddy spotted Torr in the walkway, searching for her.
Relief filled Torr’s face when she spotted Maddy. “Where did you run off to?”
“Bathroom.” Maddy linked their arms together and leaned in close to whisper, “Amber and her bitches walked in while I was in there, and they were talking. Amber isn’t sure who the baby belongs to. It’s either Skylar’s or Scott’s.”
Torr gaped at her. “Unbelievable. Now, more than ever, Skylar needs to get a test.”
Maddy nodded and looked around at the stores. “Let’s finish shopping. Where to next?”
“Victoria’s Secret.” Torr grinned at her. “I love their underwear.”