Maddy had never tried them before. She’d never had money to afford them.
When they walked into the store, Torr started picking out underwear.
She held up a lace thong. “What do you think?”
“Depends. For me? Hell, no. For you? I guess my brother would like it?” Maddy cringed at the thought of her brother and sex.
Torr laughed.
Maddy walked around the table until she found what she considered regular underwear, and she grabbed a few.
A store associate walked over. “Would you like any help?”
Before Maddy could say no, Torr nodded. “My friend needs a bra fitting.”
The clerk turned to Maddy. “Have you had one before?”
Maddy was slightly embarrassed. She’d never heard of such a thing. In the past, she’d buy one she thought would work, and if it didn’t, she made do.
She shook her head.
“Follow me.” The clerk led Maddy back to the fitting room.
Maddy must have had a weird look on her face, because Torr quickly explained what would happen.
The clerk was quick about it and told Maddy what size to look for.
Who knew she’d been wearing the wrong bra size all these years?
Once she found the right size, she grabbed a couple, then looked at sleepwear.
“Maddy, I found a swimsuit for you,” Torr gushed.
She held up a black one-piece with blue sunbursts on the sides. It had an open back but with crisscrossing straps.
Maddy grinned. “I like it.”
When they left Victoria’s Secret, she carried two large bags, and Torr held one.
“We only have one more stop for us,” Torr promised.
Torr took her to a makeup store called Sephora.
Maddy wasn’t sure what the difference was between Sephora and what she bought at Walmart. She chose a few items, but she wasn’t a big makeup girl.
She did find a perfect perfume, though.
“I think that’s enough for me.” Maddy added her new bag to the larger one. “I still need gifts for Skylar, Jace, and Cody.”
“Do you have any idea what you want?” Torr asked.
“For Cody, yes.” Maddy looked around. “Is there a sports store here?”
Torr nodded, and they headed to the sports store.
Maddy looked around, hoping they had what she wanted.
She had to ask a store employee if they had boxing or MMA fighting gear.