Page 32 of Fought and Freed

“Cody’s right. Grant’s an adult,” Jace said, trying to soothe her. “Talk to him and tell him what’s going on. I’m sure he’ll understand. And it’s not like you won’t have your phone. You’re not abandoning him.”

“You’re right, I’ll only be missing the actual meetings. Nothing else will change.” Maddy stood. “Speaking of the phone, I keep forgetting to call Jean to let her know I’m out. I’m going to do that right now.”

“After that, we can watch that movie,” Skylar suggested.

She nodded and headed for the stairs. “Sounds great.”

* * *

Forty-five minutes later, Maddy came back downstairs to join them.

Jace paused his channel flipping. “How’s Jean?”

“Leaving for a two-week cruise.” Maddy’s mood seemed lighter after talking to the woman she’d worked for when still in the foster system. “She and her man are spending the rest of winter in Florida.”

“Must be nice.” Jace leaned over to press their shoulders together. “I’m glad she found someone.”

“So am I. She was lonely at Crumb’s.” Maddy smiled. “I guess it wasn’t so bad that it burned down. Now, she can see the world like she wanted to. She sounds so happy.”

“She deserves it.” Skylar grabbed the remote from Jace’s hand. “So, what do you want to watch?”

* * *

They were almost done with the third movie when the doorbell rang.

They had ordered delivery for dinner, but it arrived faster than expected. Since Cody had already seen the movie they were watching, he stood to go grab their food.

But when he opened the door, a different type of delivery person stood on the other side, a stack of large boxes beside him. “I have a delivery for Madeline Walsh.”

Brows raised, Cody turned back toward the living room. “Maddy, you need to sign for these.”

She got up, headed to the door, then stared at the boxes in surprise. “I didn’t order anything.”

Cody leaned over to check one of the return labels. “They’re from Sunny Days.”

“Oh!” She took the tablet from the delivery person and signed. “They must be my paintings.” She handed the tablet back. “Thank you.”

“Have a good day.” With a nod, the man headed back to the truck parked at the curb.

Cody grabbed the first large box and brought it inside.

Maddy glanced around the foyer. “I don’t know where to put them.”

“We want to see them.” Cody came over to help, with Skylar right behind him. “Then, we can take them down to Ryder’s art room.”

“Sounds good.” She took one of the boxes and leaned it against the wall.

Once everything was inside, they each claimed a box to open and pulled out her art.

Jace gazed in wonder at the canvas in his hands. “Maddy, this is really good.”

“I might not understand art, but I like them.” Skylar glanced around at the walls. “We need to put them on display.”

She laughed. “They’re not that good.”

Another knock sounded on the door, and Skylar stood to answer it. “That must be the Chinese food.”

“Let’s eat before it’s time to leave for Maddy’s meeting.” Jace set down the painting in his hands. “I’d like to drive you to the meeting tonight.”