“I’m going, too!” Skylar announced as he returned with delivery bags in hand.
“Sure, but we need to pick Grant up on the way.” Maddy headed toward the kitchen to grab plates, so she missed Cody’s worried expression.
Jace felt the same. Their girl had such a big heart. He hoped her new friend wouldn’t end up hurting her, as so many others had before.
* * *
Once they were all in the Jeep, Maddy gave them directions to Pathways House.
Jace was surprised to be driving through a neighborhood. He wasn’t sure why, but he expected it to be a building, not a house.
He pulled up to the curb and spotted a tall, skinny guy with brown hair standing on the porch.
That must be Grant.
Maddy waved, and the guy walked over to her side of the Jeep.
“Hi, Grant.” Maddy pointed to the back door. “Hop in the back with Skylar.”
He opened the back door and climbed in.
“Grant, this is Jace.” Maddy pointed at him in the driver’s seat. “And beside you is Skylar.”
“Hey.” He nodded to Jace, then put out a hand to Skylar, who shook it. “Nice to meet you.”
“You, too.” Jace checked his mirrors before pulling back onto the road. “We’ve heard a lot about you, Grant.”
Grant reached over the seat to nudge Maddy playfully. “Are you spilling all my secrets again?”
She giggled. “You know it.”
“You didn’t tell me all your boys were built.” In the review mirror, Jace caught Grant eyeing Skylar. “How did you get so lucky?”
“I don’t know, but I’m thankful every day.” Maddy preened.
Jace reached over and squeezed her leg. “We’re the ones that are thankful.”
“Make a right, Jace.” Maddy pointed to the street ahead. “It’s right there.”
He pulled into the parking lot and found a spot to park.
Maddy hopped out of the Jeep. “We’ll be about an hour.”
“No rush.” Skylar stretched out. “I’ll just be here making out with my boyfriend.”
Grant almost fell out of the Jeep.
Jace leaned over the seat. “You all right, dude?”
Eyes wide, Grant shook his head and closed the door.
As Maddy and Grant walked to the building, Grant pointed back to the Jeep, then fanned himself.
Skylar laughed. “I think we shocked Grant.”
Jace turned off the Jeep and jumped into the back with Skylar. “Now, what was this about making out with me?”
Skylar grabbed Jace’s shirt and brought him closer.