Page 12 of Fought and Freed

“You ready to get out of here?” Grant asked from the doorway.

She turned around and looked at the man she’d come to rely on so much while there. “Yes, but I’m nervous about seeing the guys.”

He rolled his eyes. “Why? You talked to them every day once you got your phone back.”

Maddy shook her head. “No, not since Christmas. My phone died, remember?”

“It’s only been two days since Christmas,” Grant pointed out. “Those boys wouldn’t forget about you that quickly.”

“But what happened if they moved on with their lives while mine was on hold?” She rubbed her hands together against the chill the heaters didn’t quite push back. “What happens if they figured out they—”

Grant slashed a hand through the air. “Don’t you dare finish that sentence. Remember what we learned? No negative thoughts about our time here.”

She smiled at the phrase pounded into them every day at their group meetings.

“While I’ve never met them, from everything you’ve told me, they love you, Maddy,” Grant continued. “So, stop this nonsense. You have four great guys who will help you through this.”

She pulled back her shoulders. “You’re right.”

Fear flashed over his face. “Besides, I’m the one who should be in a panic, not you. I don’t have anyone waiting for me.”

“That’s not true." She stepped toward him. “You have me.”

Grant smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

“Ms. Walsh, Mr. Turner.” Dr. Hayes stepped out onto the covered patio. “It’s time for your last group meeting.”

“Thank you, Dr. Hayes.” Maddy looked at the older man. “We’ll be right in.”

Dr. Hayes smiled and walked back inside.

“Come on, let’s get this tearful bullshit over with,” Grant said.

* * *

True to Grant’s prediction, they left the meeting room with tears in their eyes.

Maddy wouldn’t miss talking about how she felt every damn day, but she would miss the people.

Dr. Hayes came up behind them. “Remember to attend the meetings every day for the first month, Grant. They’ll help keep you both focused once you’re out in the real world. And Maddy, remember what we talked about. I really think it would help you.”

Because of everything that had happened in her past, Dr. Hayes wanted her to continue to see a therapist and to attend some of the NA meetings while she continued her recovery.

She wasn’t sure how she felt about the therapist, but she nodded. “I’ll think about that. And we’ll attend the meetings.”

Dr. Hayes turned to Grant. “Mr. Turner, we have you set up at Pathway. It’s a sober living house. And, Ms. Walsh, you’ll be going home with your boyfriend. If either of you have any problems, here is my business card.” He passed them each a slender card with his number on it. “Call me anytime.”

“Thanks, Dr. Hayes, for everything.” Maddy smiled sadly.

She would miss the good doctor. He had helped her realize many things during her time there.

“You two will be just fine. Maddy, remember what I said.” He gave her a stern look. “You can have a big heart and still tell people no. And Grant, let yourself feel. There’s nothing wrong with it.”

“Yes, Dr. Hayes,” Maddy and Grant said at the same time.

“Once you complete the paperwork up front, you can leave.” He pointed to the cards in their hands. “If you need anything, call.”

With final goodbyes, Maddy and Grant walked to the main area.