Maddy’s whole body buzzed with excitement.
In just a few minutes, she’d be back in the arms of her guys.
“You go ahead and check out first.” Grant nodded toward the reception desk. “I know how excited you are to see the guys again.”
“Thank you!” Maddy hurried forward and filled out the paperwork.
She hoped the guys didn’t go overboard and make her a sign or get her balloons.
It felt like forever before the receptionist confirmed her release. The second she did, Maddy bolted outside.
She raced down the walkway, only to slow when she saw the empty parking lot.
No blue bike or blue Jeep. No black truck to be seen.
They weren’t there.
Maddy stared in disbelief at the empty parking lot.
She hadn’t talked to them since her phone died on Christmas but that was only two days ago. They promised they’d be here when she got out.
Tears blinded her, and she deflated to the ground.
“Maddy?” Concern filled Grant’s voice, and his footsteps pounded down the sidewalk. “What’s wrong?”
“They’re not here,” she gasped through her tears.
“I’m sure they’re just running late,” Grant said from behind her.
“Maybe.” She mopped at her tears.
Grant knelt beside her. “Why don’t you call them?”
“My phone died.” She sniffled. “I don’t have a charger.”
As the seconds turned into minutes, then to half an hour, more tears poured down her face, and Grant hugged her through her sobs.
He ran a hand up and down her back. “You know you’re your own worst enemy.”
Dr. Hayes had told her the same thing, but it didn’t help in this situation.
Maddy buried her face in Grant’s shoulder, only distantly hearing the sound of tires through her misery.
But Cody’s angry voice broke through. “Get your hands off her!”
Maddy whipped around to see Cody half leaning out the open window of his black truck as he parked right next to the curb.
Without shutting off his engine, Cody jumped out and ran to her, his large, muscular body eating up the distance fast.
Yanking her away from Grant and into his arms, Cody held her tight. “Oh, little one, why are you crying? I’m not that late.”
“You’re half an hour late.” Maddy wrapped her arms around him, loving the way his big body surrounded her. “I thought you forgot to pick me up.”
“Oh, sweetheart, we could never forget you.” He kissed the top of her head. “I tried calling, but it went straight to voicemail.”