Dom: Sorry.
Mav: I have great shoulders for you to cry on.
Cam: No, he doesn’t. They’re lumpy from all the hits he takes.
Luke: Ignore the idiots! If there’s anything we can do, let us know.
Chuckling, I type back.
Shelby: Thanks, I will. Shouldn’t you be getting ready or something?
Nick: The other team’s bus broke down, so the game’s delayed.
Dom: Stupid idiots.
Mav: Yeah, we’re just sitting here. Bored…
In the distance, I hear car horns blaring, the noise heading this way. I turn around to find out what all the commotion is about.
A line of cars pulls up the road and into the parking lot. People hang out the windows and sunroofs, shouting. Most hold banners. I guess the other team is here.
Me: It looks like you don’t have to wait any longer. They just arrived.
Dom: Are you by yourself?
Why would that matter? There he goes again, thinking I can’t take care of myself.
A group of football players, fully dressed, pile out of the cars and head toward me. I’m sitting right by where the players have to walk past to get to the guest locker room. I snicker as I pick out the same cliques every school has.
Leading the Wolves is a typical jock. He already wears his football uniform. He’s tall, not too muscular, with shaggy brown hair. If he didn’t have that asshole vibe rolling off him, he’d be good-looking. On his arm is the typical bitch cheerleader with blond hair. It’s obvious they both think they’re the shit.
When they come up alongside me, they stop.
“Oh, honey, you’re rooting for the wrong team, and you’re far too sexy to be doing that,” the leader says.
The girl on his arm rolls her eyes like she’s heard it all before.
Got yourself a winner, there, hon. If my guy said something like that to another girl with me there, I’d pop him in the nose.
“The Knights suck! We’re going to crush them!” yells a beefy, redhead who stands beside the first guy, making everyone cheer.
Folding my arms across my chest, I lean back against the truck. “I’m not too sure about that.”
“Come on, Aiden, she’s not worth the time,” the blonde cheerleader says.
Aiden drops his arm from around her as his eyes roam over me, and he licks his lips. “You go ahead, Cheri.”
The girl glances between him and me, then stomps off with the group of girls. Most of the team follow. Only four guys hang back with Aiden.
A blond-haired guy leans against Nick’s truck. “Why do you think we’re going to lose?”
Another guy chuckles. “Yeah, we’re stronger, smarter, and most definitely better looking than them.”
“You forgot one. You’re obviously bigger assholes than them, too,” I say with a fake smile.
“Hey, you better watch what you’re saying,” says a big guy with black hair.
I shrug. “Why? It’s the truth.”