The guy lunges forward but gets stopped by another.
“There you are, sweetheart. Been looking all over for you,” says a sexy, sultry voice from right beside me that I know well.
I don’t take my eyes off the asshole who just lunged at me, though. He has a short fuse.
Cam kisses me on the cheek, then sits beside me on the tailgate, keeping one foot flat on the ground. “Aiden, don’t you have a game to get to?”
“Why am I not surprised this low-life slut would know you? Wait, aren’t you a fag?” Short-Fuse guy says.
Both Cam and I jump off the gate and speak at the same time.
“Watch who you’re calling a slut, Evan,” Cam sneers.
“Who are you calling a fag?” I growl out. I can’t stand homophobes. “And I’m not a slut, dickhead.”
Evan takes a step forward and sticks his nose up at me. “I’m calling you a slut, bitch. You must be one, especially a loose one, if you’re hanging out with the Knight crew and doing the fag here. They’re known for passing girls around.”
Aiden stops his friend from advancing any farther by putting his hand out. “I know who you are. You’re Tate’s new charity case. I heard your mother fucked her way around, searching for a new husband, but she was only good enough for the Tate’s.”
He rubs his lower lip with this thumb while his eyes scan me, making me feel dirty.
“I’m sure you’ll be loose as hell, but you’re hot. I’ll show you what a real man is,” Aiden says, rubbing his crotch.
I throw my head back and laugh. “You think you and limp dick over there are real men? All I see are sniveling boys who are trying to imitate someone. You will never be a Knight.” My eyes roam his body. “Even if I was a slut and loose as hell, you and your friend’s small dick would never touch me. Must chaff that you won’t even get a Knight’s sloppy seconds.”
I peer at Evan. “The Knight crew has more class than you ever will. Your mother warned me that you have a micro dick after my last slut class with her.” I twirl my hair around my finger. “She taught me everything I know.”
Cam looks down and snickers. “Damn.”
Taking my eye off the Wolves for a second to peek at Cam, I don’t see Evan pulling his hand back before he slaps me across my face.
I feel the sting of his hand as my head jolts to the right. My tongue slides out to lick my lips, and the taste of metal hits it. My hand lifts to my cheek as I slowly turn my head back to glare at Evan.
His face is all red, his chest puffed out. He’s proud he hit me.
I don’t think, I just pull my arm back and punch him right in the nose as hard as I can.
He screams and falls back on his ass, blood pouring out of his nostrils.
Arms grab me from behind, and from the force behind them, they’re not friendly.
Shit, it would piss off Billy that I forgot to guard my back. A peek over my shoulder shows they have Cam, too, with his arms locked behind his back. He struggles to get out of the hold. I want to escape as well. Hell, I can, but for now, let’s play along.
Evan’s hand flies to his face, and he wipes it under his nose. When he pulls it away, it’s covered in blood.
My instincts tell me to throw back my head and break the teeth of the guy who holds me. But, in the distance, I hear cleats hitting the pavement, heading our way, and I force myself to calm. I don’t want to start an all-out war here. Now, is not the time.
“I’m going to kill you, bitch! Let her go, Tim.” Evan jumps up, and Tim releases me.
So much for not hitting a girl. I step back, not because I’m scared, but to make room for me to fight. Evan doesn’t know who he pissed off. I’m not a normal girl.
“Back off!” Cam yells at Evan.
Ignoring him, Evan throws a punch, but I’m ready for it.
Before his fist gets close, though, it slams into Dom’s hand.
Dom throws Evans’s fist down and gets in his face. “What the hell, Evan? She’s a girl!”