Page 43 of Drifting

Nope. Thinking like that won’t do me any good.

* * *

I wake up twenty minutes before the alarm goes off. I couldn’t shut my thoughts off last night, and it took forever to fall into a fitful sleep.

I use my palms to rub my eyes. No use bitching about it. Might as well get up.

Limping to the bathroom, I go through my morning routine, before I head to the walk-in closet.

What should I wear? As I leaf through my clothes, my stomach flip flops. Why am I so nervous about starting this school? There’s nothing special about this school other than it’s full of pretentious, rich snobs. Starting at a new school is always the same. The first week I call Hell Week because everyone wants to know all about the new girl. Then, the shiny wears off, and they figure out I’m nothing special. I guess Hannah already helped me by telling everyone she could that I’m trash.

I pick one of the tops Patty bought for me. It’s a plain black shirt except for the sleeves which have horizontal cuts down the side of each arm. About an inch down from the normal collar is another cut right above my breasts. I add skinny jeans and black boots to match my stupid cast. I leave my long, dirty-blond hair down today and add some mascara and eyeliner.

Heading to the kitchen, I find Nick and Hannah already eating their breakfast. My stomach turns at the sight of food. When I stroll in, Hannah’s nose scrunches up as her eyes roam over what I’m wearing.

I glance at what she has on, and I can’t believe Peter or the school will let her wear something like that. If she bends over, everyone will be able to see her ass, and her top is nothing but lace with a black bra underneath.

I shake my head in dismay. And she calls me a slut.

I limp into the living room and sit on the couch, waiting around until Nick finishes.

“You’re not eating breakfast?” he questions as he strolls into the living room.

I put my hand on my stomach. “No, my stomach’s too upset.”

He nods. “You ready?”

I shrug. “I guess.”

On the way to school, Nick nudges me. “Stop worrying. If you need any help, find me or one of the guys, and they’ll be more than glad to help.”

“Thanks. You’re right, everything will be fine.” It’s not like this is my first rodeo.

He doesn’t say anything after that, and I stare out the window for the rest of the ride.

Nick turns his truck into the school parking lot and pulls up to the front entrance. “I’ll drop you off here so you don’t have to walk as far. Have a good day.”

“Thanks for the ride.” I slide out of his truck and watch him drive down the row.

At the far end, he pulls right into a spot. Kids stand around the cars, talking. Most of them wear Ravenwood Knights T-shirts, from what I can tell.

As soon as Nick gets out of his truck, someone calls his name.

He glances over his shoulder toward me.

Not wanting him to leave his friend to walk me in, I wave and head into the building alone.


My first class is English. I head down the hallway, searching for the right classroom. My heart starts racing; it’s taking too long to find the room. Students stand in the hall staring as I hobble past them.

Damn, this place is huge. You can’t tell from the front, but the school is shaped like a U. As they grew, they added more halls, making the damn school a maze. Where’s Paige when I need her?

After heading down five wrong hallways, I find the right room.

With a deep breath, I open the door just as the late bell rings. Every head turns and stares at me when I step through the door.
