Nick gives me two noodles and tells me to wrap one around my waist to help me float and to use the other to rest my arm on.
Since Luke peppered me with questions at the bonfire, I get him to tell me about himself. I find out he’s a year older than us and got held back in kindergarten. His mother’s name is Clara, and his dad’s name is Henry. They sound like an average American family, the one thing I wanted since Patty took me away from Uncle Brett’s.
Luke and Nick tell me their childhood stories and all the trouble they got into.
I pop up one of my brows. “I need to ask. Why the hell did you pick green of all colors for your Mustang?”
Luke’s mouth drops open. “What, you don’t like green? Green is a cool color.”
“Yes, green is a cool color. But your car is bright shock green.” I make hand gestures for the word shock.
“That’s what I call it. Shock your socks off green!” Nick says, laughing. “Why do you think he got it? So everyone will stop and look!”
Luke splashes Nick. “You’re full of shit.” He pouts at his friend. “You know green’s my color. It always has been.”
Nick splashes back. “Stop trying to impress my stepsister. You love all the attention you get because of it.”
Luke’s mouth curves into a smile as he shrugs, the water trickling along the hard lines of his muscular shoulders and upper body.
“Okay, fine, I got it for its shock value. Plus, I love green.”
Nick coughs, and I look up from admiring Luke’s chest. Oops, he caught me.
Nick raises his eyebrow at Luke who raised both of his.
Oh, shit, I’m in trouble.
I pedal backward and wag my finger at them. “Don’t even think about it, you two.”
“Too late!” The next thing I know, Luke pushes me under the surface.
I pop to the surface, whipping water off my face. “Unfair. Two against one.”
Nick smiles as he dives under the water, grabs my good leg, and pulls me back under. This is war. I don’t care if I hurt my arm or not, I will get my revenge.
Jumping on Nick’s back, I push him under then search for Luke, not finding him.
Hands wrap around my waist and lift me out of the water, and I let out a squeal.
A warm breath caresses my neck. “Searching for someone?”
I shake my head, laughing. “Nooo.”
He starts tickling me, and I struggle to get away. I don’t remember the last time I let myself go and have fun.
The sliding glass door opens, and Hannah steps out, wearing next to nothing.
“Get your filthy hand off my boyfriend!” Hannah commands as she struts down the side of the pool.
“We broke up, Hannah,” Luke says. “Remember?”
She puts her things down on the table and comes closer. “What do you have on? A T-shirt? Are you that poor that you couldn’t afford a bathing suit to wear?”
“Hannah, back the hell off Shelby, go inside, and put on a bathing suit that’s not just strings.” Nick shakes his head. “I don’t want to see that much of my damn sister.”
“Whatever, Nick, you’re such a prude. This is for Luke, not you. He likes my body with no tan lines.” She sashays over to a chaise lounge and lies down. “Luke, baby, can you be a sweetheart and put some sunscreen on me? I wouldn’t want to burn,” she says in a purring voice, rubbing her hands down her perfect body.
Luke gives me a half-smile as he climbs out of the water and walks over to where Hannah lies. I understand they dated for a while before they broke up two months ago, but it doesn’t look like it from my end. He’s out of my league, anyway. What was I thinking?