Page 41 of Drifting

While Luke rubs sunscreen on her, Hannah’s eyes never leave mine, and her smile grows when she notices how it bothers me. With one simple request, she proved Luke’s still her puppet, and whether or not he still has feelings for her is questionable. Watching him touch her makes me sick.

I’ve had enough sun for the day.

I glance at Nick. “I’m done. My leg has been out of my boot long enough.”

Of course, my splint lays right next to where Luke mindlessly rubs sunscreen all over Hannah’s almost naked body.

Nick, being the sensitive guy, notices me staring at my brace. “I’ll get it for you. That way you don’t have to walk as far without it.”

I smile. “Thanks, Nick.”

He levers himself out of the pool, walks over, and grabs my brace, towel, and new phone as I awkwardly use the ladder to climb out.

He kneels to help me put the brace back on. “I’ll talk to you later.”

I force a smile. “Sure.” I turn my head toward the chaise lounge. “Bye, Luke I hope to see you soon.” My eyes narrow on my evil stepsister. “Oh, and Hannah? If you think I care even a little bit that you’re spreading nasty rumors about Patty and me, I don’t. If you want to hurt me, you need to do better.”

She sits up, shooting daggers at me. “Oh, I’m just getting started.” Grabbing Luke, she pulls him in for a steamy kiss.

Anger shoots through me. I want to go over there and beat the shit out of her.

What’s wrong with me? I only just met Luke. I need to get out of la la land because I’m beginning to think every guy’s mine.


Hot water falls over my body. My mind keeps returning to Hannah kissing Luke.

Man, she’s such a bitch. I can’t stand her. What the hell does Luke see in her? She’s a manipulative, self-centered, spoiled, rich girl.

Get over it; I’m not dating Luke. I shouldn’t care who he kisses or who he dates. I need to talk to Cindy, so she can set me straight. I need to stay away from those guys. They’re only going to cause me trouble. I can feel it.

Later, I’m sitting in my bay window, staring out into space when a knock sounds on my door. “Come in.”

The door slowly opens, followed by the smell of tomatoes and melting cheese. Pizza.

The door opens farther, and Nick walks in with a large pizza. He lifts the box. “I ordered a large, cheese pizza. Do you want some?”

My stomach growls. “Yes, I’d love some.”

Nick places the pizza in the middle of the floor. “What would you like to drink?”

“Water’s fine.” He reaches into the small refrigerator and grabs two bottles of water. “I forgot napkins. Go ahead and grab a slice. I’ll be right back.”

I slide from the window to the floor, open the box of pizza, and take a slice.

Nick returns, tossing napkins on the floor as he sits across from me, putting his back against the couch. Smiling at me, he takes a slice for himself.

After eating half of mine, I mumble, “It’s good.”

He laughs. “I can tell by how you’re shoving it in your mouth.”

We eat in silence; I keep taking piece after piece until I’m full.

I throw a half-eaten slice back into the box, leaning back, and rub my stomach. “I’m done. I can’t eat anymore. My stomach… So full.”

“I knew you’d enjoy that pizza.” Nick takes a drink of water. “I want to apologize for my sister coming out and ruining our time in the pool.”

“Don’t worry about it. She’s a bitch, and I know it. It only bothers me that you’re in the middle of this fight.”