He pulls the sunglasses down to reveal bloodshot eyes. “Who decided on this god-awful time?”
We all said, “You.”
“Hey, Firefly, I need your cousin’s address,” Dom says.
I cock an eyebrow at the nickname. Firefly? That’s cool. As soon as I give him the address, we head off.
About a mile down the road, Mav grabs my hand, linking our fingers together.
“Is this your SUV, Dom?” Mav drives the blue Jeep, but I never see Dom drive anything other than that.
“No, this is one of our fathers.” His eyes flick to meet mine in the rearview mirror. “I don’t have a car that’s just mine. I drive Mav’s or drive one of the many cars that are in our garage, like this one.”
“Dom likes to drive his Harley Davidson Low rider,” Mav says. “Isn’t that right, brother?”
He smiles and nods.
“I have a Kawasaki Ninja that I rebuilt.” I sigh. “I miss riding her. I can’t wait to get her back.”
Surprised, Dom twists to quickly glance at me before looking back at the road. “Where is she?”
“She’s in a storage unit about two hours away. Where I used to live.”
“When you get her back, we’ll go for a ride, Firefly.” He glances in the rearview mirror and smiles.
A smile tugs the corner of my mouth. “Sounds good, Grizzly.”
He chuckles at my nickname for him.
Mav pulls me towards him, and I end up halfway curled up on him, that’s how big these seats are. “So, what’s my nickname?” he asks, nuzzling my neck.
“Hmmm, I don’t know. How about Goofball?” I chuckle.
“Goofball? Come on!” He smirks. “You can come up with something better than that.”
My eyebrows shoot up. “But it fits you.”
“I’ll show you goofball.” He tickles me.
“Okay… Okay, I’ll think of something better.” I laugh. “Just stop tickling me, I’m going to piss my pants.”
He stops tickling me. Once I catch my breath, I remember how large he felt when he got hard beneath me as I sat on him last night. I can think of a few nicknames to call him, but they aren’t appropriate. I need to get my mind out of the gutter.
“Cuddle Wuddle,” I offer.
“Are you trying to embarrass me?” he demands. “Behind closed doors, I’ll be your Cuddle Wuddle, but not in public.”
I yawn, laying my head on his chest. “I don’t know, Mav. I call Dom Grizzly because he growls like a bear. Give me a couple of days. Right now, I have a lot on my mind.”
He put his finger under my chin, raising it so I look at him. “I don’t need a nickname to know how you feel about me. All I have to do is look into your eyes to know that.”
Everyone always says you can see a person’s soul by looking into their eyes. I always believed you can tell what kind of person they are by the way they kiss. Right now, I want Mav to kiss me. Not waiting for him to make the first move, I lean forward and touch my lips to his.
“Shit,” he mumbles.
His hands wrap around my neck, pulling me against his soft lips. The kiss starts off tender and sensual, then turns molten-hot. Goddamn, can this boy kiss? Holy hell.
When we pull away, both of us want more, but now isn’t the right time.